[July] - The Wedding (1)

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"Coffee," Dianne muttered to herself as she stumbled out of her bedroom a few days after that fateful first meeting between her, Joe, Caspar and Oli. "I need coffee."

As she felt her way down the bar in the kitchen, much more familiar with her surroundings now after a few jet lagged induced early mornings. Her eyes were still struggling to open, so she jumped back in surprise when her fingers landed on an unexpected warm, hard wall that...seemed to be breathing?

"Good morning," Joe's familiar low tone forced her eyes open in surprise and she realized the wall she'd walked into was Joe's chest, as he leaned casually against the edge of the bar, a mug of tea in his hands, and his hair flopped across his forehead.

Resisting the urge to reach out and push it out of his eyes, she blushed, and mumbled back a short "Morning."

"Why are you up so early?" Joe questioned, and she couldn't help but notice the tired bags under his eyes. "It's like 5am."

"I could ask you the same question," she mumbled, scooting past him and reaching for a mug before shoving it under the coffee machine. "I've been up this early all week. But you guys normally sleep in like teenagers."

"Can't sleep in if you never go to sleep in the first place," Joe replied, shrugging when her eyes snapped up to meet his. "Was working on an edit and time got away from me."

"Wow," Dianne leaned against the counter as the hot liquid began to fill the mug. "That's dedication."

"You didn't answer my question," Joe smirked. "Why the hell are you up so early? I thought your rehearsals didn't start until next week?"

"They don't," Dianne yawned loudly. "But this jet lag is killing me. I'm an early riser by nature, but I've been falling asleep so late. I need to get back on a normal schedule."

"So you think fighting jet lag with a 5am wake up call will help snap you out of it?" Joe quirked an eyebrow.

"Exactly. Along with some coffee and sunrise yoga," she pointed her finger toward the mat she'd left out on the terrace before scooping up her mug and heading out, turning to look over her shoulder. "You should get some sleep, Joe. You don't look great."

She noticed the flash of playful irritation in his eyes at her words and she couldn't help but smirk. Ever since they'd first met on that sidewalk, they'd had a certain level of banter that felt different than what she'd developed with Caspar and Oli. The four of them had settled into a routine and she'd come to appreciate the other boys' weird quirks. But Joe was still somewhat of an enigma...and she found herself enjoying pushing his buttons. 

"Yeah well speak for yourself," Joe shot back, taking a gulp of his tea. "You don't look great either...no actually that's not true for someone still living on Australia time, you look pretty amaz--you know what, never mind. Go do your weird yoga and leave me alone!"

Dianne stared at him, giggling as he spluttered out a mixture of an insult and compliment, ending with an exclamation that she realized made him sound like a grumpy old man. He had a tendency to do that when he got flustered, and it made her laugh harder. 

"Go on! Get!" he smirked, letting his true feelings crack through as he shooed her out the door.

Shutting the glass door behind her, Dianne couldn't help but grin as she laid out her yoga mat. It was surprising how comfortable she felt here in this place that had seemed so foreign just a few days ago. As she checked the time, watching the sun begin to rise over the horizon, she remembered she had lunch with Oti today, and her smile got wider. She may still be living on Australia time as a total zombie, in a house with three virtual strangers, but she couldn't help but think that things were beginning to look up.

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