chapter 6

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I'm making this one a little early cause I can't wait longer. This will probably be crappy since I'm writing this at 11:00 pm. I love you that much!!enjoy!❤

Charlie's pov
I ran too catch down too meet Harvy and when he saw me he was like, hey dude- but I shushed him. Tell me the truth. I said. What was your relationship with Leondre Devries at your old school. He looked at me quickly and then looked at his feet. He didn't say anything. You're gonna tell me now Harvy. I said quietly. I- he said. I'm sorry. I suppose Leondre told you and now you h-hate m-me. I lifted his head and looked into his eyes. They were wet. I don't hate you Harvy. I said I am disappointed but if you do two things for me we'll be good. What? He said desperately. One, I said, tell me why. I don't know. He said. I guess I didn't have a reason. I was angry a lot because of my parents and I had no way too get my anger out and he didn't defend himself so he was an easy target. But I'm really really sorry now and I don't think he will ever forgive me. He said, and wiped a year from his cheek. Well that's not a good read too beat someone up, but I forgive you. The only other thing I want you too do for me is apologize and sincerely. Okay? I said. Ofc. He answered. Smiling. And by lunchtime we had a plan.

Leondre's pov
As Charlie walked away I wondered about Harvy. I'm the distance I saw Charlie walk up to Harvy. I don't know what he said, and I couldn't tell if he was confronting him or mocking me. I don't think Charlie would have done that. I walked inside so deep in thought that I forgot my bookbag on the school steps (that's where all of this drama happened). I didn't realized it until I felt a tap on the shoulder and when I turned, Harvy was there holding my bookbag out to me. I was startled and I took the bookbag from him cautiously. I'm really sorry Leondre. Harvy said. And I'd like to talk to you at lunch. Ok. I said, and smiled at him. No hard feelings. He looked astounded. I laughed and walked off.
Time skip too lunch time --->
I sat at my the same table as yesterday alone and wondered if Harvy was actually sorry. I was just starting too eat my sandwich, when I saw him walk into the caf. My first instincts told me too run, even after he had apologized. But I stayed put. Harvy walked up to my table and sat down awkwardly. So how are you? I asked. I'm good... He said. Than, listen Leondre I'm really really really now I don't know why I did that, and you probably won't forgive me, but I'm still so s-sorry. It's ok! I'm not mad! I said. You should be. He said. Well I'm not. I said and pulled him into a hug!! I love hugs! (me too Leo, me too.) Hey, I'm going too Charlie's after school! Wanna see if you can come? Ok! He replied. This was the best day of my life. My bully apologized, and I have another new friend!
Ahh! that was so short! I'm sowwy.😅word count 580 😞

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