Pls swipe on the picture above and tap the white square if you want too hear the first song Leondre and Charlie performed together!!
Leondre's pov
I woke up in the night and forgot where I was for a second. After I remembered, I got up too get some water and went back too bed. I couldn't get to sleep though. I realized that I had the song that Charlie sang stuck in my head, and I was longing too hear it.
I went to where his CDs were and realized that I didn't know which one had the song he sang. The CDs near the top of the pile looked less used them the others, and judging by that, I guessed the bottom ones were made first. I located some earbuds so as too not wake Charlie up. I took the top one from the pile, the most recent, and put it in. I was really surprised when instead of singing, I heard,
Leondre, being as you are a snoop, that was a joke by the way, I am assuming that you are listening too this without telling me, and I am telling you, that I am not stealing your rap. Yes, I am using it in a song, but, I am going too ask you if you want too form a band so that you can do that part. So here we go.
Then the song started. It was the most amazing thing that I had ever heard. It was Charlie, rapping the rap that I wrote!! It actually sounded good too hear my rap in an actual song. as i listened, I was almost sleeping, when I heard a singing voice! he was singing about being hopeful! I loved how it sounded. I listened too it over and over, and the next thing I knew, Charlie was shaking me awake telling me too wake up. The music was still playing and I turned it off, going red. Charlie was smirking down at me. Sorry I muttered. He laughed. It's fine. So, I'm guessing that you heard the bit about a band? He asked nervously. I... I've never rapped for anyone... I said. I guess I could try. He broke into a smile. Yay!! He said. He sat down and hugged me. So, so you like the song that I put in it? He asked. Yeah! I said. It fits! He smiled. Great! After breakfast, we talked about the band name. Well, said Charlie, sometimes people will name things after, like, what it is, so we should call ourselves 'duo'? I asked. No, but maybe, Charlie and Leondre. That's so uncreative. We could do that, but with nicknames. I said. So, Charls and Leo? He asked. No, no, like I could be bars, because, well, I rap. And you could be melody, because you're the melody! Melody and bars? He asked. That doesn't sound very good. Who says melody had too come first? I said. What about, bars and melody! Bars and melody? Thaats... Not that bad actually! Bars and melody! Ok! I said. We talked about the song a bit. Do you want too practice now?? He asked. Better now than never! I thought. sure! I said, trying too hide how nervous I was. he looked excited too hear me rap. me? I hadn't heard a welsh rapper before besides me, so i was doubtful that he would like it. he gave me the printed version of my lyrics, and I noticed that he had changed a few unimportant words too make it sound better. non the less, it was excited too see my rap in print. he had added the singing part in italics. wow. this is real cool. he started the music he had chosen. when it got too the part that I was supposed too rap i opened my mouth, but no sound came out. I knew what too do, but I was worried about messing up and i felt really nervous rapping in front of someone. Charlie stopped the music. are you okay? he asked. I... I said. I I'm just a little nervous. if you dont want too... said Charlie, looking a tiny bit disappointed, hiding it well, but I could still see through it. No,I said suddenly. I can do it. turn on the music. He looked surprised and happy. okay! he said. he turned it on. this time when my part came, I closed my eyes and started. It was as if I was in my own world. everything disappeared and I just heard my own life all over again. I felt the pain that I felt at school. when the song had finished, I didnt really remember anything. it was like a dream. Charlie was looking at me impressed. I like it. I said. am I good enough? wow. he said. you are beyond good enough. thanks! I said. we went inside and started working on some more future music. only a few weeks later, hopeful, which is what we decided too name the song was finished and we were very proud. but what next? how do you become famous? or at least have fans? One night when our family's were having a night together at Charlies with Harvy, we decided too show them our song. we sung the whole thing for them and they were damn impressed! but then when I looked over too Harvy, he looked real sad and I realized what the song might have done too him. Charlie looked at me and realized this at the same moment. Mum, Im hungry. said Charlie. will you go make some food? and will you help ms D? your cooking is better than mums. of course honey! said ms Devries, smiling over at me. as soon as they left the room, we went straight for Harvy. Listen bro, I said. Im sorry I wasnt thinking right too do that song in front of you. Yeah, sorry mate. that was pretty messed up. said Charlie. its fine he said. its not. I said. I want too talk too you about it. so we went too Chrlies room. Is that how I made you feel Leo, when I... yeah? Harvy immediately blurted out. I didnt know what too answer. the answer was yes, but I dont want him too feel more bad. well, I said carefully, it was written around that time... so yes. I said. He looked down at his feet. Im sorry. he said. aww, I know. I said. but its the past, so it doesn't matter anymore. I budged over next too him and hugged him. even though we had been friends for a while, this was our first hug. when I pulled away, he was smiling. thanks Leo. he said. no problem. I said.Hey everyone! sorry that this was all Leos pov. I need your opinion. should I do each scene in both perspectives, or one in Leos and the next one in Charlies?
Word count 1176.
Love y'all!!❤❤❤❤
Fiksi PenggemarSo this is my first time writing a book so please be nice even if it sucks. And also it is a charge fanfiction. There will probably be minimum smut but I might write some in some other story. This story takes place starting when they were around ten...