Fallen Naphalem- prologue

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In Diablo and associated media, the term Nephalem is used to describe the extremely powerful offspring of Angels and Demons

(if you already read the description to the book you don't have to read this it's the same as the description)


Emily Werring is a falling Nephalem. her mother herself was an angel and her father a demon.

Emily's parents have been punished for falling in love with each other by being separated completely wich tore their family apart.

Emily being a Nephalem (an offspring of an angel and demon) was not able to stay in heaven or hell.

Since she was born in the afterlife, and because Nephalems have been said to be very powerful Emily was sent down to earth with 2 others (an angel and a demon) to protect the earth from falling under dark power.

the three (with no idea how things in earth work) have to not only stick together, but also act like humans, and fight without their wings (which are said to only come to them if they need them).

and not to mention,

they are not allowed to fall in love.


strap in guys because this is going to be a long and bumpy ride.


I don't know a ton of stuff about supernatural things so please is I get stuff wrong please don't take it to heart. Most of the definitions are stuff I got off google and, a lot of this stuff is just gonna be from pure imagination.

I'm human, I make mistakes so, please if I make a grammar mistake please just carry on. if you cant live with a few little mistakes I suggest to exit out this story.

this is a matter of fact my first Wattpad book, and if it doesn't get a lot of love I probably will not continue it so if this ends up being uncompleted, that's why.

I'm gonna put a lot of effort into this book so please do not even think about stealing my work.

I love you all so much! thank you so much for choosing this book. I will update as much as I can.

sorry I know that was boring and long I hope you all enjoy love you!


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