Chapter 3: Exploring and Discoveries

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We arrived in New York almost a day later after we left. Only stopping a couple of times in small towns along the way to take short breaks. I have never seen such beautiful towns and cities in such a short amount of time and it was overwhelming. Every town and city had different sceneneries and cultures and it was just fascinating to see. In each town we stopped at there was always different people to see and different landscapes to observe. I was just amazed at the diversity.

New York was just as beautiful though maybe more. There was buildings upon buildings everywhere. People were crowding the streets and walking at such fast paces they were almost moving as fast as the cars. My face was pressed againist the car window taking it all in. We drove almost twenty more minutes until we pulled over in the street. I looked up and saw a big hotel.

"This is where y'all will be staying for the month. At the front counter the woman there will give you the keys and tell you the room you will be staying in." the man driving us said. We all looked at him and nodded.

We all grabbed our small suit cases and stood at the curb just staring at the hotel in awe. It was the most amazing building I ever saw. It was lit up with bright golden lights reflecting off each other and the front the doors were see through and went around in circles for people to exit and enter. Two men stood on either side of the doors greeting each person who either entered or exited and returned to standing stiff as a piece of board.

"Well I guess we should enter now." I said and started to walk forward. I stopped at the door and almost stepped in but immediatly jumped back when the door about squished my foot. The man next to the door laughed and walked over to us.

"If I took a guess. You lot are not from around here." he said.

"No sir were not." I said.

"I'll tell you when to go." he said. I waited for a moment for him to tell me when.

"Now." he said and I jumped in. I walked with the door like I saw the people do and entered the hotel. The inside was as beautiful as the outside. The floors I walked on looked like the paint brushes brushed waves across it with each stroke and flowed onto one another. Pictures of ocean seens occupied the walls and the ceiling had carvings of the ocean and different fishes and humans with fins attached to them. It was just amazing at the skills and patience all this must have taken to create.

"Wow." Nathaniel says next to me.

"My exact thoughts." I mumble. Pearl joins us with eyes wide and mouth gaped open. We all walk up to the counter with the woman and stood there until she payed attention. She looked up and stared at us like were from a different land.

"Um, can I help you?" she asks.

"I was told that we can come to you for our keys. And told to just hand you this paper." I said and laid it on the counter. She read over the paper and nodded.

She opened a drawer and grabbed three keys with different numbers on them.

"Everyone is on the same floor with rooms all next to each other. Enjoy your stay here at The Atlantis." She said and smiled.

"Is that all?" I asked and grabbed the keys.

"Yes. Your time up here is August 20 and everything has already been paid. Enjoy." she said. I nodded and looked at the keys 456, 457, and 458.

"What floor?" I ask her.

"Fourth floor. Elevator is over there." she says and points to a corner. I nod again and pick up mine and Pearl's suit case. Another man was standing there and glanced at us and gave us a strange look. I looked straight ahead  with my head high and pretended that I wasn't lost that I did this everyday. The elevator dinged and we all gathered into it.

"Four please." I said. He pushed the number four and the tense ride began. The elevator doors opened on our floor and we walked out.

The doors were numbered from 400 to higher numbers and we just followed until we finally made it to our room numbers. I stopped and handed out our keys. 458 was my room number 457 was Nathaniels and 456 was Pearls. Each of us stood in front of our doors and looked at one another.

"See you guys tomorrow. Come to my room when you wake up and we will decide what to do." I say. They both nod and unlock their doors. I unlocked mine and stepped inside to a beautiful room.

I closed my door and locked it back and walked further into my room. I turned on a lamp and looked around. My walls were a light blue and the carpet was white. The kitchen was a stainless steel and beautifully made. It would be a nice change to use electric powered appliances if I was honest. The bathroom was a nice size with a bathtub and shower head. If I was honest again, I am excited to feel what a real shower felt like and the water was automatically warm. My bedroom also had a bathroom joined with it and the bed was huge! I jumped onto it and layed againist the pillows and stared at the ceiling.

I felt my eyes get heavy and rolled onto my side.

All this maybe nice, but I can't let myself get carried away and attached. I can't be drawn to this world when my whole life belonged to another.

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