Part 14: Late Night Snacks

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Donghyuck's breath clogged his ears and his lungs screamed for air as he sprinted down the dark and dirty hallway. Shouts filled the air behind him and he only picked up his pace as gunshots ricocheted on the off-white concrete walls behind him.

Dull colors of white, green, and blue whirled past his vision as yells over the communicator in his ear buzzed harshly.

"Turn left up ahead Haechan," a voice crackled and Donghyuck's shoes skidded across the hallway floor as he turned the corner. He saw a distance figure screaming bloody murder at him to hurry up at the end of the hallway and regardless of the situation, Donghyuck felt a small laugh bubbling up in his throat.

Instead of laughter, a scream erupted from his lips as pain shot through his arm, causing him to stumble. He heard the panicked screams from the distance figure and saw them move towards him as his legs buckled.

Donghyuck stumbled to his feet and continued to run towards the end of the hallway. Another sharp pain shot up from his leg and this time he fell, his knees scraping against the ground. His hand shot out to the brown-haired boy at the end of the hallway who was tried to reach towards him, only being pulled away by other cloudy figure.

Donghyuck felt a rough hand grab his leg and he sobbed as he was dragged away.

Donghyuck shot up from his bed, sweat plastering his t-shirt to his body and he fell off his bed, dry heaving as he tried to catch his breath.

Donghyuck clawed at his leg as he gasped for breath, only feeling more hysteria as he looked at the bandage wrapped around his leg. He lunged for his bed covers and dug his fingers into the soft covers, letting out a scream into the sheets as he tried to calm down.

He let out choked sobs as he started to breathe easier, some details of the dream fading from his mind.

His nightmares were getting worse.

This was his fifth consecutive nightmare when Donghyuck had decided to sleep, choosing to stay up other nights because he was too scared to sleep.

It had been two weeks since Renjun had stopped talking to him.

Donghyuck wasn't an idiot, he knew that Taeyong slapping him in front of all the members that day was the cause. What he didn't know was why. He had his assumptions but he wasn't going to say anything until it was confirmed to him.

He had tried to run after Renjun when he left the room, sure that he was in unimaginable amounts of pain although the tried to hide it, but Johnny had grabbed his wrist and forced him to stay. Donghyuck had to stand with them, guilt and worry eating away at him as they asked him more questions about YangYang.

Donghyuck had then found out that the poor boy was being held for ransom. He only hoped that his father complied soon, the mafia members hadn't exactly given him a good impression.

He ran fingers through his sweaty hair and leaned back on his heels, taking another deep breath now that he had gotten his panic under control. His eyes and throat burned and Donghyuck rubbed his forehead tiredly. He was barely getting sleep now that his nightmares had started to plague him.

Jisung was starting to notice too. The bags under his eyes, his sluggish movements, his jittery eyes as he looked at the people around him. Donghyuck knew it was irrational to fear his dreams but he couldn't help himself. They seemed so real.

It didn't help that he was worried about Renjun too. Ever since the boy had left the living room two weeks ago Donghyuck hadn't spoken a word to him. Not purposely of course, but everytime he tried to talk to the other he quickly left the room. That or he never saw him. He couldn't help but feel annoyed, especially after all the kindness and understanding he had shown him during their one long conversation in the med. bay.

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