Part 17: Winter Festival

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If someone asked why Renjun was spending his Friday night surrounded by people at a high school festival he wouldn't know how to respond.

Maybe it had to do with the relentless pestering of a certain brown-haired, brown-eyed boy who asked him continuously for the past week with him always rejecting the younger until Renjun overheard him talking to Jisung about how he was upset that Renjun wasn't agreeing to go late last night and then that next morning Renjun had gone up to the younger and unhappily agreed to go much to the younger's delight and his own dread.


Renjun dragged his foot back and forth across the dirty tiles of the school building's floor and looked around at all the students rushing to grab supplies, carrying them outside to set up the booths.

Both Jisung and Donghyuck were in clubs and had to come early to set up. Much to Renjun displeasure, he was forced to come with them because the older members were going on the mission to deliver YangYang back to his dad, who finally complied with the clients wishes.

Renjun watched, his shoulder now leaning against the wall, as Jisung and Donghyuck were walking back to him with supplies. They had only been gone for a minute with Donghyuck apologizing profusely about leaving him alone but Renjun couldn't exactly start wandering around. A strange kid around their age that didn't go to their school might alert the adults in the area and Renjun was not about to get involved with authorities.

With all the students racing around, numbing into each other as they sprinted down hallways and out the door, he didn't have the right words to describe how uncomfortable he was. He was already extremely hypersensitive to all the movement around him the moment he set foot in the building and for some reason his mind was trying to tell him the people were purposely brushing right by him.

"We're back! We're back! Sorry we had to leave you but we grabbed the supplies. Let's go walk to our booths!" Donghyuck smiled brightly at him and he returned a small smile, his mind spinning at being around more people.

This was definitely not mentioned in Donghyuck's plan.

Out of the corner of his eye he saw a person running directly for them and he tensed up as the person roughly grabbed Donghyuck's arm. Donghyuck stumbles a little and Jisung jumped in surprise as the person stopped, breathing heavily. He moved to possibly kick the person away from Donghyuck but froze when he saw who it was.

"Hey, sorry I haven't been talking to you guys and I'm sorry but I can't stay to help set up the booths either, I have a family emergency. I'll text you guys later!" The oh-so-familiar blond-haired boy rushed out before turning to sprint out the doors.

Renjun watched through the door windows as Mark raced down the sidewalk and out of sight.

"Sorry, that's our friend Mark. We were going to introduce you two to each other but it seems he had to go." Jisung laughed and Renjun turned to face the two boys who were looking at him with apologetic looks.

"I hope his family is okay, he seems to be having a lot of trouble lately," Donghyuck frowned and Jisung nodded, telling him that they'll text him later to check up.

Renjun internally groaned when he realized that he had flirted with the boy, potentially exposing him to the mafia life. He realized, with even more dread, that had even mentioned Mark to Taeyong, as a potential target member. After describing his natural observation skills as well as his potential family problems which could be a trigger, Taeyong had agreed to look into it too and see if it was a possibility, he was looking for new members anyways.

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