Part 40: The Duo

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Renjun bent and extended his legs a couple of times, making sure he really and truly had full mobility. He couldn't help but grin as he shifted his weight from foot to foot. His eyes scanned the empty parking garage, a couple of broken lights obscuring his vision of those specific underground areas.

"You sure you're up for this Renjun?" Taeil's voice crackled over his communicator and he rolled his eyes. Sicheng had cleared him for action,  begrudgingly, but he had still cleared him nonetheless. Renjun checked that he had his knives and guns in place for the nth time and he rolled his neck out, satisfied at hearing the familiar cracks and pops.

Two arduous months had passed for Renjun. After weeks of physical therapy and pushing himself as much as Sicheng and Donghyuck would let him, he finally made a recovery satisfactory enough that Taeyong allowed him to go back into the field. Although this decision was always finalized by Taeyong, it had been highly ridiculed by pretty much every single one of the members, seeing as it had only been two months.

But Renjun was glad that Taeyong could understand him enough to know that he was going crazy. That he trusted Renjun enough to know his own boundaries and limits. That was something Renjun truly was thankful for.

Regardless, they didn't send Renjun out into the field without reinforcements.

"Are you just going to stand there and wiggle your legs for the next couple of hours, or can we go?" An annoyed voice teased at Renjun and Renjun turned around to give his partner an annoyed look in return.

Donghyuck just raised his eyebrows defensively at Renjun and gestured to the stairwell with his hand as if to say 'let's get a move on'. Renjun just rolled his eyes in returned and began to walk towards the stairwell, Donghyuck falling into line behind him.

"Yeah I'm fine Taeil, just tell us what floor's have potential targets on them," Renjun whispered back as he nudged the door open, his eyes flashing up and around the railings and stairs. Bland and Concrete. Nothing important or worth mentioning, certainly no people. "Clear." He alerted back to Donghyuck who circled around Renjun, his gun raised in front of him as he began to ascend the first flight of stairs.

Renjun carefully followed behind Donghyuck, his gun covering the younger as they made their way up to the ground floor. They would pass this floor seeing as it was a lobby and begin their search on the first floor. It was highly unlikely that anyone would know that they were in the building before they reached the first floor; however, you could never be too careful when dealing with other mafia organizations. Once they reached the first floor, it was almost 100% probable that someone of the higher authorities would be called. This would most likely be law enforcements or, occasionally, lower level mafia members.

This would give Renjun and Donghyuck about 4 minutes and 32 seconds before reinforcement would arrive, giving them time to search the first and second floor without any problems. After that, the third floor up to the tenth floor would be harder with whatever backup was called on their asses.

Luckily enough, they had their own personal hacker at home who would handle the blaring alarm that would normally go off in occasion of emergencies. By preventing the alarm from sounding, Chenle would keep all of the office workers in their office to be questioned by the two. It wouldn't prevent authorities from arriving but it would allow them to collect as much information as they could before Yuta had to extract them.

"You ready to go hot stuff?" Donghyuck threw at Renjun before turning around and wiggling his eyebrows. Renjun tugged a gloved hand through his hair, cringing at the others' actions.

"You're lucky if I don't shoot you before this mission is over," Renjun grumbled and nudged Donghyuck out of the way, pulling the door open. Renjun bent his knees and felt Donghyuck's arms hover over his shoulder as the two walked into the empty hallway. They both straightened up as no one exited the closed office doors or was previously in the hallway. Donghyuck tapped three times on Renjun's shoulder.

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