Part 33: The Days That Followed

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"Sunday morning, rain is falling

     Steal some covers, share some skin..."

Renjun blinked his eyes open and winced at the immediate pain that spread over his body. The blanket rested lightly over him and smelled strongly of Donghyuck. It was light against his raw and bruised skin, something Donghyuck had been very adamant about. Renjun had reached the horrible conclusion that it was probably from experience.

Renjun slowly turned his face to the side and smiled softly at his brown-haired boy who was passed out on the ground, sitting up against the wall. His head was tilted back and Renjun could see a little drool coming out of his mouth as he snored lightly.

He pulled the blanket up to cover his chin and inhaled Donghyuck's cheap smelling cologne. It was crisp. Refreshing. Just as it had always been. The clean smell of the sea. Renjun had been to the sea on various missions and it always differed. Sometimes it was some sort of salty fish smell or more wooden after rainy days, when the water always crystal clear.

But Donghyuck smelled like the first sniff of the crisp ocean air when your body could finally relax after a stressful day and you could just stare at the waves rolling over each other. The crashes mixing with the occasional seagull call lulling you into a peaceful state. One of the reasons Renjun had demanded to be moved to Donghyuck's room after two days in the stuffy medical bay.

His eyes briefly flickered to the radio on Donghyuck's desk which was on a low volume, playing some sweet, jazzy tune.

"That someday it would lead me back to you

That someday it would lead me back to you."

Renjun winced as one of his more sensitive cuts brushed against the sheets and he shifted to a more comfortable position. After a couple of minutes of uncomfortable shifting, Renjun decided to sit up.

He groaned and tears pricked the back of his eyelids as he moved to sit on the bed, his back leaning against the wooden headboard. Renjun stilled as he saw Donghyuck move and let out a whine as he woke up. He silently cursed himself for being loud as Donghyuck's eyes fluttered open. He blinked groggily and his eyes lazily moved to Renjun's body before snapping open, Donghyuck jumping up in a panic.

"Wait why didn't you wake me up, I could have he-" Donghyuck trailed off and coughed, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly. "N-nevermind."

Renjun's stomach dropped and the guilt he had been feeling began to rise up again. Renjun had only been conscious for the past three days but Sicheng had told him that he'd been unconscious for a little over a week. He could only imagine what Donghyuck must have gone through during those days that he had been unconscious and unresponsive and Renjun felt so damn guilty that he couldn't make it up to him.

Renjun was so damn guilty and frustrated. He hadn't looked at his injuries extensively yet, most of his arms and legs were bandaged, but he could feel fabric rub against his raw, burned forearm and against the dozens of cuts. But he was so fucking frustrated because he couldn't express himself anymore.

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get the words out to explain or describe what had happened to him. He couldn't let any of the members get too close, and he couldn't let any of them touch him. He was right back at square one and what frustrated him was the lack of hurt in Donghyuck's eyes.

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