𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖋𝖎𝖛𝖊

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Tabbi's POV

Kuai and I circled the front of the Cyber factory. There had been a few Cybers outside the factory, guarding it, though they had been easy to get past.

I was guiding a group of about 5 older students, while Kuai led about 5 younger ones.

Kuai nodded at me, signaling me to open up the factory door. I walked slowly up to the door, touching a few buttons, causing the door to slide open. "follow me," I whispered.

"Once you find Cyrax, you must disable his main frame, and let him initilaze," Kuai paused, "And Tabbi, please be careful. Leave Sektor to me,"

"We will be fine, Grandmaster," A student interjected, keeping his voice to a whisper, as he adjusted his mask. "We have been training for months,"

Kuai let out a sigh. "Just go inside. We will meet you at the other side of the factory. Cyrax is your top priority,"

I nodded. "Let's go,"

The students and I crouched down as low as we could, and tip toed our way inside the factory.

I spotted a few Cybers, which one of the students had also seen.
"Miss Tabbi, what do we do?" He whispered.

"We only attack if necessary," I explained.

"And necessary is?" Another student asked.

"Necessary is if they see us," I replied. "Follow my lead, and stick close,"

I walked up slowly. The two Cybers were just in front of us, with their backs turned. They were making conversation, not being good guards, I suppose. We just managed to get by them when, miraculously, one of the two happened to see us.

"Over there!" The Cyber shouted, alerting most likely the whole factory.

"Miss Tabbi?"

"Okay, yeah. Now we attack," I stood back to back with one of the students, while the other four pulled out their swords.

One of the Cybers charged at me, but luckily, a student managed to shoot an ice blast at it before it got to one of us.

I shot a few ice blasts at more of the Cybers as they got closer to us. We took them out one by one as more and more entered the front of the factory.

"Miss Tabbi, maybe we should make a run for it," a student, by the name of Damien pointed out. "There's an opening there," his index finger pointed to a door.

"Good job, Damien," I complimented. "I need one of you to come with me. The rest of you need to hold the fort here, okay?"

"Can I go with you, Miss Tabbi? Seeing as I pointed out the opening,"

I nodded. "Stay close. Those of you staying need to stay together. Wait for the Grandmaster and the others to come in,"

Damien and I sprinted across the room, while the other students stood back, and used their swords against the Cybers. I trusted them enough to hold their own against them.

I let out a sigh of relief as we made it to the next room. The relief was short lived, however, as I ran straight into Cyrax.

𝕮𝖔𝖑𝖉 𝕬𝖘 𝕴𝖈𝖊 ««𝕾𝖚𝖇 𝖅𝖊𝖗𝖔»» [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now