𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖊

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Tabbi's POV


The journey to the special forces base went by a lot slower than expected. You'd think after having lived in Arktika for most of my life, I'd be used to the cold by now, but no, it's pretty unbearable.

Luckily, we didn't have to walk the entire time. Right after we'd gotten off the mountain, there was a helicopter there waiting to take us to the base. Also on the helicopter was Grandmaster Hasashi, already sitting and strapped in to his seat.

Kuai and I took our seats, each of us bowing to him as we did so.
"Master Hasashi," Kuai greeted him.

"Hello," He replied.


Kuai glanced at me. He didn't have to say it for me to know that he was telling me to be polite. Hanzo shook his head.
"There is no need for formalities. We are alone,"

The helicopter ride was mostly silent, apart from the loud noises the chopper itself made.
It took us longer to get to the S-F base than it did walking down the mountain. But unfortunately, it wasn't an airplane. It was going as fast as it could.

I ended up falling asleep about halfway there, and waking up when we finally got to the base.

I picked up my luggage (which wasn't much, just one change of clothes and a book) and we made our way into the base.

Inside waiting to see us was a plethora of people. Raiden, Fujin, Johnny, Sonya, Jax, Kenshi, Takeda, Jacqui, and Cassie. There was a representative from almost all of the factions, aside from Brotherhood of Shadow, the Black Dragon, and the Shaolin.

Raiden stood at the head of the conference table. "Is everyone here, Fujin?"

"Yes," Fujin nodded.

Raiden pulled out his chair, and the rest of us sat down as well.

"Before we start talking about the threats of the Netherrealm, we must talk about your people. General Blade?"

Sonya nodded. "The S-F are getting more and more recruites every day. We're pulling in lots of numbers. Right now we have squads out in the middle east,"

"Master Hasashi?"

"The Shriai Ryu are coming back slowly. The more students who join us, the stronger we are," Hanzo glanced at Takeda. "Without Takeda being with us, it is a lot harder to get certain things done. But we are doing a bit better than we have been,"

"Grandmaster Sub-Zero?"

Kuai sighed. "these past few weeks we have lost many students. We lost some of our best students to the Cyber Lin Kuei,"

I nodded.

Raiden went through, asking how everyone's people were doing, the numbers as of now, and what have you.

After Raiden went through everything with everyone, he started talking about how we would deal with Netherrealm's forces in the future.

Kuai and I glanced at each other.
"Tabbi and I have something we want to share with you,"

"What is it?" asked Fujin.

"Sareena has been communicating with Tabbi. She is giving Smoke his humanity back,"

"Why would she help him and not the other Revenants?" Sonya questioned. "That just doesn't sound too good,"

"Tabbi has also been meeting with Smoke. According to her, Smoke is gradually becoming human again. Sareena is almost done. As far as I know, Sareena is only helping him because he promised her a home with the Lin Kuei when they get back,"

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