o n e

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november 11th, 2017
6 months later

"hey!" my therapist gets my attention. "everything been good?" a smile displays on her lips. i bring my thumbs up and smile, which she returns the smile. "this way," she begins to walk to a room.

we reach her room, and she opens the door invitingly. i walk in and take a seat on the couch that has blankets and pillows, luring me to cuddle up with them.

"h- hhhi" i try.

"i see you got better! have you been practicing?"

"yeh- s," i manage.

"good! every week you always advance, that's good," she takes her notebook out, getting ready to ask questions, and write my answers. she gives me my notebook to answer, if i'm not able to. "those gloves still working?" i nod.

she scribbles in her notebook and continues to ask me questions. most answers have either been a nod, or a shake. now it's time for training.

"vowels," she begins. we've practiced vowels every session, and she keeps saying i'm evolving, but i don't see a difference.

"eeeee, ahhaaaa, ih- iiiiiee, oooohhg," the last is the most challenging," u- hhh- hh- y-" i take a deep breathe to calm myself.

"you're doing great! keep going!" she encourages.

i look up to meet her eyes. "uuyyh," not quite.

"hey! that was good! i say we move on, save that for next week, ok?" i nod, understanding. "alright, do you think you can say your name?"

"y- yyy/-" i can't do much more than that.

"that was really good! try saying the last part of your name by itself."

"/nn- n." i smile, realizing i basically did it, just not together.

"now put them together.." she smiles, excited for my achievement.

"yy/- /- y/- nnn. yy/-nnnn." my eyes light up, and before i can smile, my therapist starts to clap, and tells me to do it again. "y-yy/-nn." she starts squealing. i can say my name. i can say my name.

i start repeating it, and repeating and repeating, getting even more excited and hopeful. i can say my name.

"can you say my name?" she gets hopeful.

"reh- regeehjgg," regina, regina just say it. "reggghh- inn- aaah. rehggeenn- aahg."

"that was so close! i believe in the next three weeks, you can say both of our names. without any flaws." she smiles.

my smile gets bigger as hope grows, if i keep this up, maybe i can start talking fluently in the next, two or three years? i could start talking.

"y- yy/- n," i look down smiling. "g- geohhg, georeee- ghee. gohjhe," i try, but fail.

"george?" she wonders what name i'm trying to say. i nod. "keep trying, everyday, but remember to keep massaging. if the massaging doesn't help put this medicine all over your neck, and rub for about one or two minutes. keep doing that every night until the irritation stops. and actually... this session has to stop too." she looks at the clock on her wrist, dreading to say the words. it had been 30 minutes. i make a sad face. "i know, but i'll see you next week, and hopefully we'll get even farther then we did today." she smiles. i replace my frown with a smile, and take the blanket off me.

she stands up and opens the door for me to exit. we get the front counter, and i check myself out. when i'm done, regina tells me that she'll see my next week, and i leave the building, headed for my car.

the car ride home, i practice saying my name. then regina's. then george's. i have to tell him. the only name i'm some-what good at is mine.

when i park my car, i rush out, and get inside as fast as i could. i take my phone out, searching for george's number. i plop on my bed, and start to call him. it takes 3 rings before he answers.

"y/n? why are you calling me?" he asks, not meaning to be rude, but since i can't talk, i don't call. only text.

"yyy/n- nn." i wait. he gasps.

"wait, do that again," he tells me.

"yy/- nn." you can hear my smile.

"oh my god, y/n!" he screams with excitement. i giggle.

"g- geoor- ghhee."

"OH MY GOD!" i laugh at him once again. "we gotta tell clay and nick!"


you guys need to stop. the toxicity in the comment section is truly disgusting. i've deleted most of the hateful comments about making fun of stutters, but if you see another one, point it out to me.

i don't give a fuck if you call me the meanest thing in the world, don't come in my comment section and ruin other people's experience and self-esteem.

i personally find stutters cute, so e m b r a c e it. 💞

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