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Tonight, yet again, Derek was staying at my place. He insisted that he stayed, actually. He even asked nicely at some point, which made him seem desperate. I wouldn't have said no either way, but I definitely couldn't say no to Derek Hale, a hardcore werewolf who never asks nicely, asking me nicely.
We had been watching tv all day, since we didn't go back to school after stopping by the store, and at some point, Derek had fallen to sleep and begun snoring. It was kind of annoying, but it was probably the best sleep he had gotten in days. The only issue was that he had rolled on top of me whilst sleeping, and now I'd feel guilty if I moved and accidentally woke him up. So I didn't move. I didn't even move to answer my phone when Lydia called. I just lay there and watched tv until he eventually woke up, at 10 at night.

I was never one to say no to pizza, but when he wanted to drive my jeep, I almost had a heart attack. My poor Roscoe had already been traumatised enough by Scott driving earlier, I wasn't ready to have somebody else drive again.
'Stiles come on, I'm paying for pizza.' He insisted that he drove, so I eventually gave in and let him. The smirk on his face had me wanting to have him in a circle of mountain ash whilst I threw mistletoe at him, but I didn't. Instead, I refused to speak the entire ride to the pizza shop, causing him to just glare at nothing in particular.
'Stiles, what pizza do you want?' I only look at the ground, aiming to annoy him as much as possible without him attacking me. 'Stiles! I can't read your mind!'
Still ignoring him, I walk into the pizza shop with him following closely behind. He had grabbed a hold of my arm and looked at me with a slight pout. It was hilarious to see, so I made sure to get a photo. He knocked my phone out of my hand and started ordering, simply choosing my pizza for me. Was he completely sure he couldn't read minds? Because he ordered exactly what I wanted.
'You get the same thing every time loser, now stop taking photos of me or I'll make you pay me back.' I smirk and take another just to annoy him, but caught him smiling again. This guy just couldn't stop smiling today.
'I thought you were going to make me pay?'
'I am. But not with money. I'm driving your jeep back. I'm also going to get your favourite drink from the store and drink it all myself.' I knew he wouldn't, so I continued taking pictures, waiting for the pizzas to be finished. It was strange to see Derek being so nice to people sometimes, but at least they didn't have to put up with his annoying werewolf ass always being in a bad.
'What happened to the big bad guy who couldn't smile?' I tease, causing him to punch my arm a little too hard, knocking me onto the floor. I couldn't believe it, sarcasm has always been my only defence against Derek, now I'm getting abused for it? Might call the hunters myself at this rate.
'I'm a hundred and forty-seven pounds of pale skin and fragile bones, okay Derek? Sarcasm is my only defence so maybe punch a little less like a superhuman. Just a word of advice from your favourite friend.' Derek glares at me and smacks the back of my head when nobody was looking
'Who said you were my favourite?' I'm everybody's favourite, there's no denying that. Maybe I'm not Isaacs favourite though, considering I'm always messing with his boyfriend. Sometimes I think Isaac's plotting my murder, but can't go through with it because Scott won't let him.
'The bird who told me you've been staying at my place almost every night for three months.'
'Who said I even like you?' Derek likes nobody, who could even be offended by that statement? If somebody truly got offended over that, then they clearly didn't know how much of a pessimistic asshole he is. He's more of a pessimist that Isaac, and as Isaac says "he was locked in a freezer for half his life".
'Fair point, but you don't like anyone so it doesn't make a difference. I'm still your favourite, because I let you use Roscoe for transport, I let you stay at my place, and I usually pay for your food. And you clearly love me.'
'Your face makes me want to swallow wolfsbane, stab myself with a spear covered in wolfsbane, and hide in a corner to die.' How sweet. I honestly can't believe I have to deal with this.

Finally home with food, my Dad keeps me downstairs, and questions why Derek was here again.
'I'm not exactly sure myself. And by the way, you started writing that last night. It's right there.' I mumble, going back upstairs when I had the chance. Derek had already finished eating and turned my tv on, making me sigh at his quarter eaten pizza. I would have eaten the entire thing.
'What? If you're still hungry you have it. I still don't feel too good from the wolfsbane and almost dying.' why he doesn't tell me these things, I'll never know. Instead of picking the food up, I check on the wound, that still hadn't healed.
'Why aren't you healing?'
'I don't know, but I'll be fine. Just eat and go to sleep, we have the hot guy tomorrow.' The hot guy was a substitute teacher we've had for three months, and Derek basically has a crush on the poor guy.
'Why are you telling me? I'd rather get with Ethan than bang the substitute.' I had nothing against Ethan anymore, but after that one time he had locked Isaac in a closet again, "forgetting" about his claustrophobia, I couldn't see him the same way. Even if Isaac was a douche towards me, it wasn't fair to use his trigger against him at any point in time.
'Because I won't be able to stare if you're in a bad mood. You'll literally lay on my side of the desk again.' Calling me out like that was unfair, I couldn't help that Derek's snoring had kept me up that night. 'I'll sleep-'
'On the bed again. It's fine Derek. Stop being such a sour-wolf and admit you liked sharing a bed.' He sheepishly smiled and looked away from the tv as I closed my curtains. Sometimes, I couldn't understand what mood he was really in. 'You're just embarrassed because my Dad saw us this morning. He doesn't care you know? He's just suspicious because you keep staying over.'
'I don't have to. You could say no.'
'Derek Hale asking nicely is not something people can just say no to. I'm just saying, my Dad is probably starting to think we're together when in reality, you're in a rough spot with your psychotic uncle and can't go home,' He went to speak again, but I shushed him and continued 'I know because it's Peter Hale. He still hasn't gotten over the murderous mindset. And he literally stabbed you with something whilst you were unconscious.' I yawn and rub my face, starting to feeling the days effects on my body.
'Stiles go to bed. I'll just stay home tomorrow.'
'You don't have to. I didn't mean it like that. Just, if I had a reason, it'd be easier to understand. You're a hard guy to understand.' without saying anything, I felt my body being dragged towards his with force.
'Go to sleep or I'll knock you out.' One day I'm going to kick Derek's werewolf ass myself.

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