chapter eight

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Luna couldn't tell anyone why the rumors of her sister's official courtship to the High King bothers her so much. Perhaps it's because they come far sooner than she thought they would, and it's odd to think of her sister as a married woman, let alone a queen.

She thinks of Peter, the worry lines in his brow, and decides that she's worried for him instead. Would Gloria be gentle with him? Would she protect him and care for him? Would it be about more than gold and land and nobility?

Would she marry him for love?

Luna couldn't imagine a sum in the land big enough to convince her to marry outside of love. She'd rather die alone than beside a man who didn't care for her. How dreadful to live alongside someone who married for money.

She shivers, catches her lip between her teeth, and decides to join everyone for dinner. Even if her mother gets upset, it's worth it to know the truth.

Luna arrives just before the dishes are served. She bows at the doorway, requests entrance, and ignores the harsh glance of her family when she slips into the empty seat beside Lucy.

She can't help but look at Peter when he pours everyone a glass of wine. He looks tired beyond measure, in a stressful kind of way that makes one seem frustrated at the world. The frown he wears seems to prove Luna's thoughts correct.

Gloria is all charm; bright teeth and long nails and a voice so melodious that Luna is sure she could charm a snake into a slumber. While Luna loves her sister, she can't help but wish she weren't so obvious in her gold-digging ways.

Yet, Gloria is just as greedy as their mother, and though she has a title already, it apparently isn't good enough. Obviously, nothing short of Queen Consort will stop her.

Luna opts out of wine and takes unladylike gulps of the water provided. Her throat keeps closing in on itself, as if warning her to stay quiet; warning her not to make herself known. She's only here for information anyway.

But then Edmund brings up the sea, and Luna feels so close to her father she can almost touch it.

So when Edmund asks for suggestions on opening trading ports, Luna takes the bait.

"If you build a port in front of the Cair, you risk easy access from any enemy that may arrive. Despite having to draw out a more complicated route for it, building a trading port at Galma and an port of export at the mouth of Winding Arrow River, it will lessen the risk of attacks on the Cair, and any access into the mainland."

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