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Jennie laughed as all but one candle blew out in her attempt to get all thirty-eight. “Oh, no, that’s bad luck,” she said.

Minjoon swooped in and got the last one, grinning as if it was his own birthday.
“Double chocolate fudge?” Jennie turned to Alice with raised eyebrows.

“I know, I know. It’s Minjoon's favorite. But when you and Lisa were kids, I do believe this is the one she had me bake for you nearly every year.”

Jennie's smile faltered a bit at the mention of Lisa. She had hoped that this year, Lisa would remember her birthday or at least acknowledge it, but she hadn’t heard from her all week. Alice thought Lisa was coming back home tomorrow. And now, like other years, she felt a sadness overtake her. Blue. She felt blue. She tried to push it away, but Alice’s eyes softened and she reached out a hand to squeeze hers.

“I want this corner,” Minjoon said, oblivious to his mother’s mood.

Jennie squeezed Alice’s hand back, then took up the knife. “Here you go,” she said as she carefully cut him a large piece. She and Alice took much smaller pieces and it was as delicious as always.

Minjoon finished his piece in three large bites, then he took the laptop she rarely saw him without over to the sofa.

“I think he sleeps with that thing,” she whispered.

“He seems very excited,” Alice said.

“Much more than when he headed off to medical school.”

“Yes. I think this will be good for him.”

“And what about you? He’s only here another week. Will you be okay in your new house alone?”

“I’ll be fine. I love it so far. Of course, you know how little furniture I have. That will keep me busy and I have enjoyed shopping. Especially for clothes. I now own several pairs of jeans and shorts.”

She leaned closer. “It’s been so nice not having Mother with me.”

Alice laughed quietly. “Well, please don’t tell her I helped pick out your bedroom suite.”

“It doesn’t matter. She’ll find fault with it regardless.”

They were quiet for a moment, and Jennie felt Alice’s watchful eyes on her. She looked up, feeling a bit melancholy again.

“Has Lisa not called you?”

Jennie shook her head. “I don’t know why I was expecting her to. It’s not like she’s called in the last sixteen, eighteen years.” She reached for her coffee cup, then put it back, knowing the coffee was cold. “Even though Lisa and I have gotten closer again…it almost feels like we’re pulling away from each other.”

Alice nodded. “Yes. That’s what people do when they’re afraid of getting too close.”

Jennie wanted to share some things with Alice, but she wasn’t sure how appropriate it was considering Lisa was her daughter. Then again, besides Lisa, Alice was her closest friend, despite their age difference. She glanced over her shoulder, making sure Minjoon was still absorbed in his computer.

“Those old feelings…they’re still there,” she said quietly. “It scares me. I imagine it frightens Lisa too.”

Alice leaned closer, her voice equally as low. “So you have no wish to revisit that again?”

Jennie smiled. “Revisit?”

Alice actually blushed. “I was trying to put it delicately.”

Jennie's smile faded and she twisted her fork in her fingers, finally putting it down beside what was left of her cake. “Right now, I’ve got so much change happening in my life, adding that to the list might push me over the edge,” she admitted. “I need to focus on me. I need to get me back first.”

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