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Daffodils are considered as flowers of fortune, happiness and new beginnings, the insignia, the very persona of Spring, a season of life after the cold Winter.

A season of rebirth, a season of change.


It is universal as it is constant. Everything moves through the ways of change, they say. It just comes and goes.

'Nothing is permanent.'

To change is easy. You only wait for it to happen naturally. Everything changes through time spontaneously.

But when one wants to change something to the way they want? Is it easy? Is it impossible?

It all depends.

But truly, one has to have the willingness to sacrifice to see the change they want to.

A story about a man who only wanted to live in one image. But saw the world in different, often horrifying colors.

And a woman who wanted a world of colors but was forced to only conform to  a single colored image, meet up as the seasons change and daffodils grow.

Will they be ready to sacrifice what they hold dear to change their worlds into a beautiful thing, like the budding Daffodils in Spring?

Daffodils in SpringWhere stories live. Discover now