¦ 3.5.1 ¦

94 11 0


September 4, 2019
3:27 AM
Mokpo-si, Downtown


The night, dark and sinister.
Footsteps followed us hurriedly
They were monsters--
we shot at them.
But spawns of the midnight

will never die

So I ran--luckily escaped

Indeed. I was.


Rain decorated the solemn night sky once more.

And once again, everything was muffled by the sound of incessant falling raindrops. Mokpo-si truly seemed lifeless. An imagery retrospect to the normally bustling city nights. The autumn air filled the unsettled lungs of Mokpo's inhabitants with a heavy air, the eerie silence that replaced its normally lively streets painted an offsetting vibe of 'False peacefulness', of sorts.

It was unnerving, to say the least.

Rain muffled the sounds of footsteps and fleeting vespers mocking laughter that came from the shadows, even gunshots didn't sound its normal ear-piercing bang under the cloak of pattering rain. And as it poured down stronger, It eventually blurred the already faint shadows of gangsters and mafia members who were confidently going about in secret, taking their chances to do their respective errands under the noses of the police.

The atmosphere all around downtown was uniform; it was cold and damp and silent. Neon lights from the signs glowed bright outside shops and bars despite the absence of people going around and about. The scenery added more to the ominous feel.

Yet there was a place noticeably different, bustling with "shadows" going in and out in all black overalls. It was an old apartment complex building a couple hundred meters northwest of the downtown center, it was relatively small and hidden deep inside a semi-complex system of alleyways and tall buildings--Closed almost a decade ago, it's already grey and repulsive, the paint on its walls had already decayed under the exposures to ruthless weathering. And subsequently, it's also 짐승(Beast) group's makeshift headquarters.


Loud tapping on wood can be heard deep inside the ruined lobby of the building, the room half full of people doing their own business, either preparing magazines of ammo, cooking up illegal substances or just there standing, on standby. Guarding the man in the middle of it all.

At the midst, deeper to the lobby was a semicircular table, and there sat a middle-aged man with a muscular build. Tapping on the table with his index finger every now and then in long intervals. His neck plastered with tattoos that went until the back of his ear and unto his wrists. He was the boss of Beast group.

The door of the building opened, making way for the cold air to gush in to the vicinity as three men made their way in. One of the three confidently trudged forward while the other two went their separate ways. He immediately gagged at the revolting smell of drug cooking at one side of the building lobby. How can everyone else be fine sniffing this shit all day?

"Status report." The mafia boss grumbled, his voice audibly lower and hoarser than most people, a side-effect from smoking marijuana for decades.

"Boss. The weapons and ammo crates are at the port now, the guys down there said we have to get it in an hour or they'll turn back and reship back to headquarters." Three line man replied as he marched closer, rubbing his nose in hopes of acclimating to the horrid scent quicker.

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