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To ye who gazed upon the eyes of the void,

Abandon all hope.


An undisguised feeling of unrest filled the quiet streets of Mokpo-si.

The once lively and bustling night time of this port city, no more. The recent news relating to feuding mafia groups--and how violent said situation was--had everyone running hiding for cover, saving themselves from the relentless crossfires.

From yesterday's encounter alone injured thirteen people--ten of which were civilians. Authorities considered these gangs/mafiosos to be highly volatile. Civilians are advised to absolutely stay away from these dangerous people.

They were sick in the head. They had no remorse for innocent life.

Tension filled the rainy night air. One can feel the suffocating scent of fear wafting from everyone's homes as they hid for their lives. 

But while the civilians cower in fear, numerous policemen were braving the uncertainty as they patrolled the whole city in their cars, the wet asphalt reflected their blaring lights as their engines grumbled-pushing their mechanical cabins ever so slowly.

Mokpo City, as of September 3, 2019, 8:37PM, is on lockdown. A special kind of lockdown--one that absolutely cannot be shared to the public, readily hidden by the government with a thick fog of media silencing and specific word blocks in blogging sites.


Under the cloak of absolute darkness and around the far corners of the city, came out the wanted men lurking under the noses and scrutinizing eyes of the police and military.

Men with dark pasts and futures, people who choose to walk the broken path.


"Are they gone?" A voice whispered. It was a man in his thirties, urgency can be felt through his words.

But the answer he heard? A not so reassuring: "Uh...yes."

"You know that doesn't sound so reassuring right." A third voice complained, discontented with the second person's complacent answer.

"Yeah, are you sure they're gone?"

"...The police car.. Just turned around the alley not too long ago. So yes. I think they're already gone."

"Good. Let's not waste time and regroup with the boss, come on."

Three men dressed in all black simultaneously emerged from the dark alley, like spawns of shadows they are, the back of their necks covered with varying number of lines. It was 짐승(Beast/Brute) group's insignia, as well as a sign of seniority.

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