The Beginning

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-If only human greed had limitation, the world would have been in peace. But our hearts, with imperceptible depths of avarice, peace is just a dream...

-Marconi Taipodia


Humans are naturally creatures of unending thirst for greater power.

An instinct that came and grew like wildfire as human intellect broadened. With hearts driven by innate pride and poisonous greed, hierarchy and quests to show power were disgustingly abundant a thousand years back, Crusades, pillaging, conquering vast lands of unknown, inhuman genocides.

And while the poor lusted for power they can never have, the rich and the royalty only became richer.

Greed has poisoned the men's souls.

Pride has blinded men's hearts.

But the thirst for greater riches and legacies was nigh unquenchable. A quest for a forever unreachable high, because for greed all nature is too little.

Europe had dominated the World.

None can oppose the continent's technology. They stood atop the world. But as greed grew larger, European countries began a quest to find exotic wonders out the new world. 

Portugal won the Spice race.

Britain colonised 90% of the World.

But it was only a matter of time before opposition grew. Until the inevitable happened.

World War I started and ended. 

Millions dead.

Yet, glory still shined brighter in the eyes of those with power, shined brighter than the means to reach it--for total domination.

Human lives were nothing but an insignificant price to pay. 

World War II started.

And ended.

Laws were finally made and upheld by the Government to force nations to finally settle with what they have and not thirst for any more. The law successfully stopped countries from directly clashing and causing the nightmarish destruction that is the World Wars.

But there were some that can bypass the laws and do what their hearts desire. People with enough prestige to change the distribution of power, men with enough riches and power to receive an imaginary faux pas.

And they were all starting to become unrestrained, ever so slowly testing the reaches of their abilities. Their deeds becoming more and more blunt. Frauds, tax evasions, corruption, crimes. A whole lot of crimes.

The poor can never distinguish where the lacking funds and governmental support went, clueless to the monopolies made by the powerful and rich and only able to point their pitiful fingers at the Government itself.

And although morally unjust and economically disruptive, man wouldn't stop what helps his riches grow. Man will never want their paradise destroyed.

Who cares if others die from hunger.

If left unchecked, an implosion within a nation can happen, and eventually, a country may be set to a collision course to its utter downfall.

That's why the innermost sector of the Government of South Korea was secretly going into a frenzy for almost a decade now, trying to find strong and identity-less people to build up a team set on stopping those rich and powerful and broken men.

A team they will name "the Spear".


<Location Unknown>
South Korea, 20:00
February 2, 2019



Around an expansive round table sat renowned people of importance to South Korea, owners of big corporations, government leaders, judges and others. Scooting on their seats and fixing their postures, everyone trying to keep a mighty image for themselves.

And at the middle sat the President himself, tapping his fingers on the wooden furniture contemplating what his next decision may be. Normally he would be concise and assertive on his decisions, but tonight felt worlds different.

Tension was in the air.

"You all know we don't have the luxury of time." The President said, and while the room was dark to conceal the identities of everyone, the people knew he had a serious look on his face.

"Can you please think about it more, Daetonglyeong? We can't be careless when it comes to those people." Someone immediately asked.

"What should we wait for then? Bankruptcy? Our country's downfall?" The President replied. "Only a fool will wait idly."


"We already lost trillions to them and their deeds! We can't wait any longer and everyone here knows that."

The room went dead silent again, save for the fleeting murmurs here and there. And although there was an air of uncertainty wafting in the room, the President's verdict is certain.

The sound of a chair getting dragged on the cold, tiled floor was audible for a second. And then a voice spoke up again.

"The experimental team, "Spear" will be formed starting tomorrow, they will have total freedom to make ends meet. And they will be personally funded by my pocket. No buts. This meeting is adjourned."
The President said before he turned and went deeper into the dark, the clacking sounds of his soles slowly fading and finally, inaudible.

And just like that, the President permitted the formation of the "Spear".

A team of the most skilled and ruthless killers in the military ever assembled in Korean history.

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