An unexpected turn

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Mikell hit the door again. "Bro come on, its me!" Angel motioned for me to go to the back room. Then she went to answer the door. Hey Mikell,Dj not here." Mikell proceeded to step inside of the house despite Angel slightly blocking the door way. "Well I'm gone wait here for him because it's important." Angel was giving Mikell all of the signs that she wanted him to leave but he was either not catching on or simply ignoring them. "Mikell, honestly he just left and I am not sure when he will be back." Mikell sat back on the couch. "It's cool, I have nothing else to do." Angel sighed as she rolled her eyes.
     Angel came into the room where I was, "Look he's not leaving just come out and act natural." She told me. At this point what was natural, I wasn't gay. Why was I making out with Angel any way? I threw my shirt on and went into the bathroom, I splash some water on my face, and reapplied lip gloss.  Angel headed back to the living room. "Hey Imoni  is here,she was asleep but she's up now" Mikell paused for a moment. "Does she know I'm here ?" He asked. "Yeah,she knows"Angel replied. "Well,how do I look?" He asked. "Why does it matter? You have a girlfriend that you left her for remember?"Angel snapped. "That's not fair A.J,we weren't together." Mikell whispered. I stayed in the bathroom a little while and listened. I had never listened to Mikell's explanation and it sounded like he was about to tell Angel.
"Don't matter dude,she's moving on" Angel stated nonchalantly. I was ? Who was I moving on with? I smiled. she was making him jealous on purpose and I loved it. "W-w-who is she moving on with?" Mikell stammered.  "None ya". She replied with a smile. This was a PERFECT moment to step out.
I stepped into the living room,nodded towards Mikell and took a seat next to Angel.
"So what brings you over here?" I asked him.
" I don't feel as if that is any of your business, considering DJ was my friend first" he snapped. Right before I was about to let him have it DJ walked through the door. "Brooo what's up" he greeted Mikell. They did some catching up while Angel and I decided to go in the back room. The moment we closed the door they boys began their real conversation.
"Dj man nothing about the shooting adds up."
"We said that while you were at the hospital"
" we been running this game like clockwork for a while now"
Angel and I continued to listen in while we sparked up a blunt. As mad as I was at Mikell I wanted to know what happened.
"We just put J.J.on deliveries maybe he been running his mouth"
" were you robbed ? Was anything missing? I don't think it was J.J."
"I don't know what else to think man."
" you just keep taking it easy so you can get back to 100%, we will handle the rest."
The boys headed out to do whatever it was they did, while Angel and i sparked blunt 2.
Angel climbed on the bed and got behind me. She began massaging my shoulders. "Oooo that feels amazing" I cooed. "Oh yeah?" Angel asked seductively. She moved from my shoulders to my back. She had magic hands.. " this would feel much better if you laid down" I did what she asked without a second thought. Angel then suggested that I take off my clothes. "I want to give you the best massage ever, you deserve it." I was hesitant but did it anyway. First she massaged my feet, she squeezed the heel, first kind of hard then nice and soft. Next she gently massaged the middle of my feet leading right to my my toes taking her slow precious time with them. Out of no where, she sucked my toe. I shivered softly as my toes slightly curled. That had sent a sensation through my body that I had never felt before. She giggled. She began to massage my legs, she started with my ankle then added pressure as she went up to my calf muscles,squeezing and rubbing in a circular motion This was amazing! After my calf muscles she moved to my thighs. She took her time rubbing and squeezing from my thigh to my knee, adding pressure then easing up. "Turn over she Instructed. Her voice was dripping with desire. Once I turned over she started rubbing my lower back alternating between rubbing with her hands and using her elbow. As she moved up my back and then back down I could feel my body relaxing at a level I had never experienced. She rubbed my shoulders.squeezing then letting go being sure to be firm but not too rough Her hands were just so incredible. "Relax" she said just barely over a whisper. She grabbed a butt cheek with each hand, she squeezed then released, squeezed then released. She added a little squeeze and rotate in there This massage going on for a few more minutes and then angel sat down. "Look at me" she said . I turned to face her. " you ever been with a girl before?" I shook my head no. Angel bit her bottom lip as she glided over to me. "Let me show you something " She pulled me towards her by my legs and told me to lay back. She kissed my inner thigh softly.
Mikell and Dj came in the house looking for us but our minds were way to gone to realize we heard them calling our name. Dj came and knocked on the door with so much force I thought he was going to break it down. "AJ!" Dj called. "What bro!" Angel stood up. "We need you!" Damnit she mumbled under her breath. "Hold on bro," Angel said trying to hide her irritation. "Get up ma." Angel said with a smile.
We got dressed quickly. As Angel was walking out the door she turned and kissed me with so much passion it made me dizzy. I smiled. We hadn't noticed Mikell standing there. "So you're who she's moving on with huh?!"Mikell asked. Angel scoffed and brushed past him. What the hell was even going on with me? Am I gay? Am I experimenting?
"Dj what's going on ?" Angel asked. "There's a snake in the crew" Dj said simply. I know that nearly killed him to say,all of these guys have been close since day 1 except Tyler who came about a year ago and JJ who just started a few months ago. "Is it J.J.? I asked. Mikell and Dj sat down. They looked stressed. "I don't think it was JJ,you have to be around for at least a year before you get invited to houses,which means JJ wouldn't have known where I lived." Mikell stared. "Maybe it was Ari, you did just show up with her and announce a relationship no one knew anything about" Angel said rolling her eyes at Mikell. "And she was at the house and anywhere else you go  "'I added. "A.J and Imoni stop being petty!" Dj growled. "This is serious" Mikell nearly whispered. Dj dropped his head. "I think it was Chris." I was appalled. He would really assume it was Chris before  checking Ari or JJ. I was disgusted. "Chris was at the hospital that might." I said Completely annoyed. "So was Ari. You have to get out of your feelings and think logically." Said DJ.
     How was assuming that it was an OG more logical than checking the newest members. It wasn't Chris and I knew it wasn't I just had  to prove it. " so why are we saying that it was a member of our team anyway" I asked. " whoever did this was after the stash, normally the stash was kept elsewhere only an insider would have known that the stash was at Mikell's house." Said Dj. " we ain't saying that it was Chris we're  saying that it's a possibility" said Mikell. " well the only way to be sure is to get to the bottom of it" I stated.
       I decided I would head over to Chris's place. I wasn't going to tell him his own crew thinks he tried to rob and kill Mikell,but I would see what he was up to. When I knocked on his door Ari opened the door. " well well well what do we have here?" I said staring at Ari. Her mouth dropped open slightly, she stretched her eyes wide. It- it-it's nnnot what it looks like." She stammered. I knew this chick wasn't loyal  from the gate. " oh really, so what is it?" I asked. I turned to walk away. "I can't wait to tell Mikell what his perfect little girlfriend is up to!"
        Ari grabbed me and pulled me into the house. " I said it's not what you think, just relax and hear me out" she pleaded. " i'm planning a surprise for Mikell." She told me. I laughed. " well I'm pretty sure this is going to be the biggest surprise he's ever gotten" Ari raised her hand as if she was going to hit me . " Go ahead, hit me! All  I need is half a reason." she sighed and threw her arms down. "Imoni..just hear.."
"Yo everything ready for Mikell?" Chris interrupted. He cane around the corner to see Ari and I standing there, We were quiet but the tension was thick enough to cut with a knife. Chris froze in his tracks."what you doing here Moni?" He looked nervous. "I came to see you,yet Ari answered the door, isn't that crazy? I asked sarcastically. Ari humped in. " I was just asking her not to ruin our surprise for Mikell." Chris looked confused for a moment but quickly shook it away. "Please don't" Chris added. "Well I guess I'll let y'all get back to it."
As soon as I walked out of the apartment I texted Angel.
     "I think it was Chris." I told Angel. She looked at me in disbelief . "Well you didn't fully explain, what happened?"  Angel asked concerned. "Look it doesn't matter,I could feel that something was off, I can't prove it but it was him Angel." 
I texted  Mikell for the third time. "Mikell is being a prick text DJ and Mikell to come on." I told Angel. " I told them to meet us here when you told me to meet you here."  I rolled my eyes. I'm pretty Mikell just being petty because of what I said about Ari.  Angel looked annoyed . "I'm just gonna call them" she said.
" no answer?"
"Well let's just go over to Mikell's house." I suggested. "You go head ma,I gotta make a couple stops,I'll catch up" we went our separate ways.
When i pulled up to Mikell's house I was instantly mad, BOTH of the boy's cars were outside. I still had Mikell's key so I wasn't even going to waste time knocking, they were about to hear from me. I pulled out my phone in record speed BOTH BOYS are here going in to give them a piece of my mind. I texted Angel. You're such a firecracker,I'll be there soon don't kill them before I get there Angel replied.
I stormed up the stairs and unlocked the door. "I KNOW YOU NIGGAS HEARD ME CA.."I froze when I saw Mikell. He was tied to a chair with rope and duck tape was plastered over his mouth. "What the..." I was snatched inside the house and the door slammed shut.

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