Rock Bottom

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     Terrance had been back for a month now and he was making our lives MISERABLE ! He was stealing from the business and the customers, starting arguments and fights with the guys and so much more. There wasn't a single one of us that wasn't ready for him to go.
      My life had become an even worse nightmare then before,everyday Mikell would promise me that it would all be over soon.
Soon wasn't soon enough! I needed it over now.
     I could hear Terrance's footsteps coming up the stairs,Instantly it made me sick to my stomach, but much like I did every day I put on the biggest smile I could fake and prepared to welcome him home. "Hi honey,how was your day?" I asked. He didn't even answer just waived his hand  dismissively. "You hungry ?" he groaned. I thought about poisoning his food every day but then that would get me sent to jail and I didn't feel like I should have to suffer anymore than the suffering that I had already endured, plus Mikell said it was almost over.
    I sat in the living room watching him in disgust. I hated him! I wished the floor would open up and swallow him whole ,sending him straight to hell where  he belonged.
    "What you looking at girl " he asked. Not much I thought to myself, but decided against that response. "My baby " I said trying to keep myself from gagging. He smiled. "baby girl,come here" he said as he stood up. He was clearly on something. It didn't smell like alcohol or weed, but his eyes were bloodshot red and his balance was just slightly off .His once beautiful chocolate skin was now an ugly brown -grayish color. I quickly came up with an excuse." Hold on baby I have to go to the bathroom." I got up and quickly tried to leave, as I passed him he grabbed me by my arm. "Girl I said come here " he pulled me into a tight forceful hug. " you so soft" he cooed in my ear. I pushed him off of me. "I have to pee,hold on."I said using every fiber in my being to hide my irritation. He pulled me back towards the chair by my hair. I slapped him, pushed him off and headed towards the bathroom again. "Oh so you think you bad now ,huh " he mocked as he grabbed the back of my shirt and threw me on the chair , he climbed on top of me. "Get off me" I said as I struggled to get  him off. "Shhhh don't fight me baby" i Kicked  my legs as he struggled to remove my pants. "Imoni please don't make me hurt you." As he used one hand to hold me down and the other to tug at my pants I bit him. Hard. He jumped because of the shock and probably the pain. I pushed him down on the floor and got up so I could get away. He tripped me and I fell and hit my head on the corner of the table. "You're such an ungrateful little.. he growled as he pulled me by my leg towards him. All the kicking and screaming in the world didn't save me. When he was finished he stood up fastened his pants and walked out the door.
I lay there for a while crying. I no longer wanted Terrance to die . I wanted it to be me. If I couldn't get out of this life God please just end it all I prayed. I went to take a shower. I let the water run as hot as it could go, I used half a bottle of body wash I still felt disgusting. After my shower I ran a bubble bath, maybe I could soak off the disgust. It didn't work. So I did what anybody in my position would do. I got out, dried off ,got dressed ,fixed my hair and glossed my lips.
   I hadn't been over to Mikell's place since the situation with T, which had been about 3 1/2 weeks ago. So I went  over to his  place, I wasn't going to say anything about what happened ,but being around him made me feel better. "You ok" he asked concerned.I smiled weakly "yeah just tired."  He pulled me closer to him and I laid my head on his shoulder. I wanted to cry and tell him everything, but I knew that wasn't the right move so I swallowed any pain or discomfort I felt. "Hey,is there somewhere you could go out of town for a couple days ?" Mikell asked . I looked over at him with one eyebrow raised. "As in without you ?" He looked straight ahead as if he was avoiding eye contact. "Yeah, gotta get some business handled, and I don't want you to get in the middle." I felt like something was up, because I NEVER interfered with his work. "What type of business " I asked slightly annoyed. He kissed my forehead."look princess if you needed to know all that I would have told you ,take shay and go out of town" I was so frustrated! Mikell was never secretive with me,maybe he had a great reason.He handed me some cash. "Be Safe." He said as he kissed my cheek.
I called Shay and asked her did she want go take a trip to Atlanta. She was so excited! We had been talking about taking a trip to Atlanta for a while,however something always came up.
"What's the occasion ?"she asked as we packed our bags. "Girl Mikell wants us out the way but won't say why ." Shay eyed me suspiciously. "If he up to something imma cut him." I laughed. "Why you so crazy man"
The very next day we woke up at 6 am to get on the road. I was tired and upset that I didn't get to see Mikell.
          We had been on the for a couple hours when my stomach started hurting me . "What wrong sis ?" Shay asked. "Probably just that time of month" I told her. "Well we will stop and get some snacks and pain meds " she said  I nodded. I was appreciative but not in the mood to talk. I decided I would try and sleep it off until we stopped.
      We went into the store and  got coffee drinks and gummy bears ,we got chocolate bars and sodas and cookies and juice we even got a pickle and a hot sausage ,anything I could crave we had.
      I ran into the bathroom ,put on a pad although there was no blood. Something didn't feel right, I felt nauseous. I ran some cool water over my face and shook it off. I headed back to the car where Shay was waiting. "You okay Moni ?" "Yup" I lied.
We FINALLY got to the hotel in Atlanta. I couldn't wait to check in, take a shower and go to sleep. Mikell had already called ahead of us and set everything up,so it was smooth sailing.
We got to the room and the moment we closed the door I threw up,all over me and the floor . Shay threw the bags on the bed and came to my side "what the hell sis ? Just stand right there"" she ran to the bathroom and turned the shower on. "Take that stuff off,just trash it honestly" I did as she instructed. I actually felt a lot better now. I headed to the bathroom and got on the tub.
Shay took off her jeans and slid on some boy shorts and left on her bra. "You shouldn't have had coffee ,soda and cookies . Imma call room people just sit right here . The water felt amazing. This room was amazing. The tub had six jets I turned it on and let the water ease my stress away. Shay came back with a cool towel . "How you feeling ?" I smiled. "Much better "
There was a knock at the door. Without thinking twice Shay went to see who it was. "Room service " a deep male voice replied. Shay opened the door. "Be careful ,my friend got a little sick " she told him pointing to the mess. He never took his eyes off her."what" she asked blushing."you are fine " she smiled. "My friend is sick" she said simply as she turned to walk away. I watched my best friend as she walked towards the bathroom,she was stunning Shay was the color of warm honey ,she had bright brown eyes that were slanted because she was blasisn. She had a beautiful  white smile although two of her teeth were just slightly crooked. She also had incredible dimples that were deep enough for you to swim in. She had full beautiful lips that she had a really bad habit of biting. She had long beautiful brown hair that she kept in a bun. she was about 5'2 thick thighs and a nice round backside ,full breast and curves for days. She was simply a hidden jewel,always made sure to wear baggy clothes and hats. She had forgotten she was only wearing shorts and a bra.
She came into the bathroom and splashed water in my face playfully." Why did you let me open the door like this ?!" I laughed . " "girl I wasn't thinking about that lol." After a while I got out ,brushed my teeth ,and put an oversized T-shirt on ..whew it's been a day.
The next morning I still felt kind of off and still no blood but hey ,Mother Nature was weird like that. Shay had ordered breakfast and boyyy was I hungry. I ate blueberry waffles,bacon,sausage and eggs,plus I washed everything down with a glass of orange juice.
Before I knew it I was stretched out ready for a nap. Shay came and sat at the door of my bed "hey Moni ,wanna try something just to see?" I forced my heavy eyes to look at her as I tuned my stomach. "Depends " she handed me a pregnancy test. " Girl I outta slap you ,why would I do this just to do it ,Aht Aht feel too jinxy I don't like it " she placed a hand on my leg "you sure it's not possible " I rolled my eyes "no how imma be pregnant and I'm on my period " she looked down at the test. "Was there blood?" I squinted my eyes at her "you being real negative what's up with you ?" "I just recognize the signs, just take it to prove me wrong," I snatched the test from her hands. "Gladly ,I have to pee anyway!" I headed to the bathroom. For the first time in a long time I bowed my head to pray "God please don't let me be pregnant"
I walked in the bathroom, my heart was beating so hard against my chest it was causing my whole body to shake. The closer I got to the toilet the more sweat beads formed "God please let this test say negative " I sat on the toilet ,although I felt the Euge to go it was like my body was nervous to let it go. I peed on the stick. Got up ,washed my hands and prayed again "I know I ain't perfect but please." I called Shay info the bathroom to sit with me.
We waited. And waited. And waited. Who decided it was a good idea to make pregnancy test take so long. Finally it was tome to see the results. "You look Shay I cant" she picked up the test looked at it then stared at me in shock. "Girl don't do that ,what it say?" She started shaking her head "you pregnant "I snatched the test from her "girl shut u..." it said pregnant bold as could be. For just a brief second I couldn't breathe.  "Well we have to go get a different test!" I ran to  grab some shorts and my slides ,Shay continued to stand there in shock . "WHAT ARE YOU DOING??  Let's go!!" I shouted at her.
     We went and grabbed 5 test and 2 large sodas from the store and went straight back to the hotel. I wasn't taking any chances or wasting any time. I gulped down both sodas and took all the tests. "PLEEEAAASSEE  God let these test be negative" I prayed out loud.
POSITIVE! POSITIVE! POSITIVE!They were all positive. Panic started to really set in and I felt like Ghe walls were closing in on me."Who gone tell my parents ? How you gone tell them ?" I asked ? I Started pacing from the tub to the bed. "We ain't telling T ,hell nah Aht Aht " omg but what happens when he find out?" "I'm going to be sick" I ran to the toilet and threw up. Shay came in to comfort me and help me relax.. " Look Moni,This how we are going to do this ,we won't tell anyone until we HAVE to,your parents are first then
Mikell,they shouldn't have to hear it in the streets everyone else find out when they find out." Shay stated calmly. How was she so calm?! She rubbed my back "look you're not alone ,I got you."
It was our last day in Atlanta. I hadn't heard from Mikell all day , that usually meant he was a little busy with the Business so I didn't say anything . I just decided I would surprise him later when I got back.
Shay pulled up to Mikell's place , I hoped out bubbling with excitement to see him. I was about to walk into the house when I realized something was off. "Shay ,something weird here right?' She laughed. "Moni you really paranoid,"
Shay walked into the house "Guyyyyss we're back" she called as she swung the door open. Mikell came running towards her "y'all not supposed to be back till tomorrow ,shit where's Moni " He came running out the door and grabbed me ,pulling me into the house. The moment the door closed a round of shots rang out.

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