Chapter 24: Maze Runner

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|Unknown Location|

A groan escaped Jada's lips and her eyes finally began to open. Seeing that she was in an unfamiliar room immediately alerted Jada quickly. Getting to her feet Jada looked around her, it was like a huge hallway with multiple ways you could go. The walls were very tall, completely white and very bright lights hung above.

Jada closed her eyes trying to remember what happened. The only image that came into her head was Hector kissing her neck then knocking her out after that. Opening her eyes Jada noticed that she wasn't in the clothes she had on before. All black attire with two gun holsters but no guns.

"Help me!" Jada continuously yelled as she began to run down halls not knowing where she was going or where she was. Hearing what sounded like a huge intercom, Jada stopped running and looked around.

"Jada please shut the fuck up before I mute your ass damn. I liked you better when you were unconscious." Hector voiced boomed through the intercom making Jada place her hands over her ears. "Where the hell am I?!" Jada yelled still with her hands over her ears.

"This is your initiation into the pack, level one of course. First were gonna start with some basics like self defence, two guards will enter from wherever and they will try to kill you. You kill them first and obviously you pass, if they kill you, well you fail and your dead. Oh yeah, your in a maze, my maze and there isn't no way out unless I open the door for you and that ain't gone happen. Let the challenge begin."

As soon as Hector finished speaking, Jada heard what she was pretty sure an automatic door being opened. Looking to her left she seen  a man wearing a black suit turn down the hallway she was standing in. He reached behind him and Jada jetted down another hallway already knowing what he was reaching for. The intercom came on once more, "Oh did I forget to mention that they have guns?" Hector asked sarcastically.

From the surveillance room, a devious grin appeared on Hectors face as he watched on the cameras as Jada ran around the maze dodging bullets and hiding. Hector has full intentions on killing Jada this first round, if she makes it to the second round it'll be a miracle to him.

|Kadence Warehouse|

"The only thing that was at the apartment, is her cellphone. No sign of her or Hector, there was blood tho." Said one of Kadence men she had sent to Jada's apartment to clean up after the pack left.

Each member of the pack, Icy, Nico and Kadence were all in Kadence office panicking about a missing Jada. They have no clues on where she could be, no way to find her or contact and they were positive that Hector has her. "How do we find this nigga?!" Kai yelled becoming impatient.

He hated this feeling, a feeling he never felt before. He felt as if his life was on the line and to him it was, he loved Jada more than he could imagine. Ever since he first laid eyes on her he knew she was special he just didn't know how back then. He couldn't deal with what he was feeling right now, he wanted Jada now, by his side, holding his hand, he just needed to know that she's okay.

"Kadence you've been tracking motherfuckas since you started this shit. You telling me there's no way you can find your sister or Hector?" An impatient Icy asked. Kadence wipes the tears that were falling from her eyes as she spoke, "I have nothing Icy. Nothing to go off of, no contacts, no trackers, no chips, nothing Icy. I-I-I can't find neither one of them." Kadence cried.

Kaden walked over to his sister and wrapped her in a hug they both needed. Both of the siblings couldn't bare the thought of losing another one of there siblings. They've only had a short time with Jada but that didn't matter she was there sister, there blood. Kaden blames himself because to him he should have went with Jada, he should've been there to protect her from Hector but he wasn't.

A frustrated and mentally unstable Sapphire ran her fingers through her hair as she quickly stood up, "I won't accept that. Ka-Kadence your good at what you do! Find her! Now, right fucking now! She's your sister!" Sapphire yelled. Mason walked over to Sapphire and reached to hug her but she backed away.

"We should have been with her, she told us no but we should have went with her anyway. This is our fault, if it was me none of you would have let me go alone no matter what I would have said." Sapphire cried, she didn't just blame herself she blamed everyone including herself.

Sapphire wasn't the only one that blamed herself, every last member of the pack blamed themselves. "We can't just stand around and do nothing-" Xavier started but was cut off by Skiae. "We don't have anything Zay! What you wanna do search the entire Chicago until we find her?!" Skaie yelled.

"If that's what we gotta do then yes Skaie we will!" Kai yelled with a voice consumed by rage. "Kai chill the fuck out! All of you go get ready, we're gonna find her I just need to make a call." Icy instructed. Each member of the pack rushed outta the room and Icy pulled his phone out of his pocket.

"Who are you calling?" Kadence asked trying to get her emotions under control. "My cousin." Icy responded just as the person on the other line picked up the phone.

"What you need Icy?" A female voice sounded over the phone. "Dani, is Ray around? I need help and I need it fast." Icy responded.

|Unknown location|

"Any day now Jada, your not tired from all of that running." Jada heard Hector say over the intercom. She caught the annoyance in his voice and rolled her eyes. Jada orginal plan was to keep running and hiding until the pack comes but that's not going so well, she's exhausted.

Jada closed her eyes and focused on her breathing and calming herself. Everything Kadence taught Jada clicked in her head, the confidence that she didn't have before she had now. She knew that if she could get the guns out of there hands she could take them out. She isn't that fragile little girl she once was. Hector ruined her life and she couldn't let him win, not after everything he put her through, her family and her friends.

Jada eyes snapped opened just as a guard turned down the hallway where she was hiding, lucky for Jada she moved quickly. Jada ducked and swept the guard off of his feet, he landed on the ground hard still with the gun in his hand.

Jada stomped directly on his manhood making him cry out in pain and drop the gun. Jada quickly picked the gun up and sent one straight through the guards head. She then looked up and sent another threw the other guard's head, who thought he was sneaking up on her.

In the surveillance room, Hector was no longer in his calm sitting position, his hands were balled into fist and he was staring daggers at Jada threw the surveillance video. Jada turned around and looked directly at the camera. "Level one, complete." Jada taunted.



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