Chapter 25: Final Round

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|Unknown Location|

Jada pistol whipped another guard and kicked the other in the face. Another guard was making his way towards Jada and she thought quickly. Grabbing the gun from the guard she pistol whipped she shot the guard that was coming towards her, the guard she kicked and then she shot the guard she pistol whipped. Jada now stood exhausted in the middle of all three bodies. Blood covered her clothes and a few drops on her face, some of it was hers and some of it wasn't.

Jada was now on level four and the guards were only multiplying each level. Level three it was six guards and they each had a machine gun, Jada barely survived but she took down one guard and secured his gun which made it easier to take out the others. That gun is now empty and she's only left with the pistols that are on the guard she just took out.

Jada closed her eyes and sighed in exhausted hearing the intercom come on once more. "I'm impressed-" Hector started but Jada cut him off. "How about you shut the fuck up and come out here. You said I was the weak link, do I look weak now?! No you do, because your the one behind the screen! You didn't get accepted into the pack because your not pack material, your a bitch and they seen that. Kai seen that! Your nothing but a bitch, just like he said." Jada finished.

After about a minute of silence, the intercom turned off and the automatic doors again. Jada quickly grabbed took the guns off of the guards and got ready to fight again. She didn't know if Hector had actually came out to fight her or if it's just more guards but whoever it is, she's ready.

Hector walked around the maze with a smile on his face. He trained his eyes on the tablet in his hand that had surveillance of the maze room, he knew exactly where Jada was but she didn't know where he was, which is his advantage and he wasn't alone either.

"Amelia, go that way and then turn down corner B. Don't kill her just tired her out." Hector instructed. "What if she kills me?" Amelia asked grabbing her gun from her hip. She knew that it was no way, Jada would kill her she just had to play her part like Icy told her too.

Hector looked at Amelia and smirked, "then your just dead." He replied before walking off. Amelia wanted to say something but she couldn't. Her focus was getting to Jada and getting them out of there so there others can handle Hector. Amelia watched as Hector walked away and turned down one of the halls.

Amelia then moved her hand to her ear and turned on her ear piece. "I'm in." Amelia whispered and headed in the direction Hector told her to go. "Good, make sure he doesn't-" before Icy could finish his sentence he was cut off by Kai asking him to ask Amelia did she see Jada yet. "Kai not yet, when I have her I'll let you know." Amelia responded.

As Amelia talked she made sure not to let her lips move as much, she was well aware of the cameras around the maze, so as soon as she gets to Jada her cover would be blown but she has a plan for that. "Amelia she won't trust you as easily, she'll just think your apart of Hectors sick game. When you get to her, give her the ear piece I gave you." Kadence told her.

"I know and Kai, I promise I won't let nothing happen to her." Amelia promised and Kai relaxed a little bit. While Amelia was inside the maze the others were taking down the people outside of the building trying to make there way inside. Inside of the maze you couldn't hear what was going on outside because the walls were sound proof which was Hectors mistake.

Amelia stopped walking once she got to the hallway Hector told her Jada would be at. Amelia peeked around the corner and quickly pulled her head back just as Jada let off two shots in Amelia's direction. "Wait a damn minute." Amelia said letting out a shaky breath.

"What happened?!" Dani yelled into the ear piece. "Home girl shooting at me, I almost shot back for a second, had to remember why I was here." Amelia responded.

"Talk to her Amelia, try to get her to trust you so you can give her the damn ear piece." Tev said as he twisted a guard neck and stepped over him once his body hit the floor. "I don't know maybe it's just me or maybe not but It's kinda hard to talk to someone that's shooting at you." Amelia responded sarcastically.

"Amelia." Kai called and Amelia took a deep breath before peeking around the corner again, this time a fist came her way. Amelia caught Jada's arm and pushed her up against the wall. "Jada wait." Amelia said but Jada pushed her off.

Jada tried to point her gun at Amelia but Amelia kicked it out of her hand. "Listen to me!" Amelia semi yelled. "Your fighting her?!" Sapphire yelled into the ear piece.

"She whooping yo ass ain't she." Ty laughed, just as Jada kicked Amelia in her side knocking her on the floor. "Jada, Kai sent me." Amelia quickly said before Jada could kick her in the face. Jada stopped and looked down at Amelia.

"Your lying, this is just another one of Hectors tricks." Jada responded ready to kick Amelia once more. "Girl if it wasn't for Kai, I'd been beat yo ass. Here." Amelia snapped and grabbed the ear piece out of her pocket.

Jada slowly grabbed the ear piece and placed it into her ear. "Kai?" Jada asked as if it wasn't true. "Yes Jada, it's me. Are you okay?" Kai responded. Jada let out a series of tears and leaned up against the wall. "I'm so happy to hear your voice right now, where are you?" Jada cried.

Amelia smiled and quickly got up, she pulled her gun out her back pocket and shot down one of the camera's. "Jada come on, we gotta move now. He knows exactly where we are." Amelia told Jada. Jada quickly grabbed her gun off the floor and got to her feet. Her and Amelia ran around the maze shooting down the cameras, taking away Hectors advantage.

"I'm gonna kill both of you bitches!" The girls heard Hector hell from somewhere in the maze. "What do we do now?" Jada asked Amelia. "The obvious thing, we run bitch." Amelia said right before she grabbed Jada's hand and took off in the opposite direction from where they heard Hectors voice.

"Where y'all at?! I can only run for so long." Amelia said into the ear piece. "We can't get in, we don't know the fucking code." Mason said angrily as he punched numbers into the keypad. "Skaie is trying to hack it right now, it's just taking longer than we expected." Ray chimed in feeling a bit frustrated.

"She probably slow as hell, give it to Xavier or Ty." Amelia said. Amelia and Jada ran around a corner and stopped dead in there tracks seeing Hector standing by the door with a machine gun pointed at them.

"Now I should kill you first for betraying me but I know that lil promise you made to Kai about keeping her safe. So what I'm going to do is shoot her, breaking your little promise and then I'm going to kill you Amelia." Hector said.

"All of this because they didn't accept you into.....into a damn friend group?!" Jada yelled. Hector took a minute to pretend like he was thinking to himself, "you are exactly correct." Hector grinned just as the automatic doors opened.

Amelia quickly pulled Jada into a protective hug just as multiple shots went off. "Head shot! Caught his ass!" Tev yelled feeling very proud of himself. Amelia and Jada eyes shot open, just as everyone entered the maze room. Lying on the floor in a pool of blood laid Hector with many holes throughout his entire body.


One more chapter left🥺💙.

Thoughts and concerns ?

How did I do first of all?😔💙

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