Chapter 5

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Once we walked into the class everyone went quiet And looked at me

"Morning this is my daughter faith, don't bother asking for her quirk, last name, or family you won't get an answer. Ask questions tell me when you're done" Shota said getting into a yellow sleeping bag. Did he said daughter.

"Lazy ass"

"Emo bitch"

"Like you have room to talk" I looked at everyone who was shocked at how I talked to him, or how he talked to me, or both

"What's your name again" a blond with a lighting bolt In his hair said


"Faith What?"

I glared at him making him shiver



"WHAT DID YOU SAY TO ME" small explosions appeared in his hands

"Would you prefer angry Pomeranian"


"I'd like to see you try" I gave him a daring look

"Your kinda hot" a purple bitch said he put his hand out to me but a raven hair kid shot something out of his elbow holding his hand

"Thank you duck tape"

"Sero" I nodded

"You have Earned my respect"

"Where are you from?" A girl with Rosy cheeks said

"That's a good question"

"What's your quirk?"

"Don't piss me off" I said smiling I walked over to Shota and kicked him "get up you lazy ass I want to go home"

"Me too but I can't so you can't and Hizashi is driving"

"Fuck, Titan is going to kill himself"

"Doubt it, I'm guessing your done. training room let's go get your hero costumes, 21 faith" I nodded I grabbed my case and went to the change rooms (hero costume in photo)

I changed into my hero costume and looked into the mirror and nodded in approval "You're kinda scary" I heard a girl with green hair say I just looked at her, put my knives into its holster along with my gun and walked out we got to training grounds and I saw Shota

"What are we doing"


"Ok so, what are we doing" I said annoyed

"You'll see" once everyone was here he started talking again "so just like at the beginning of the year you are paired up with someone and have 15 minutes to trying to disarm the bomb by touching it remember do not kill each other" he said looking at Bakugou.

we all had to pick a stick with a number on it and find someone with the same number I had five I waited looked around for someone with the same number but it didn't seem that there was anyone with the number.

"Shota everyone has a partner except me"

"Shit, well that was happening so I had to ask the teachers who would substitute and umm it was~"


"No you can go back to whatever hole you crawled out of"

"ALL MIGHT" a green hair kid cheered I gagged a little


"I'm doing it on my own" I said to Shota walking away

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