Chapter 11

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They let Kat out of his restraint but I'm sure the instantly regretted it. He stood up quickly and blasted the leaders face and the hand on it fell off. They threatened my life if he tried to get me out.

"I'm tired of listening to your endless talking, can you not get to the point or do you just like your own voice. Basically what you're saying is you want to cause some trouble and you want us to join you. Well screw you"

"You really don't know what you're dealing with handyman" I said with a smirk the guy with the hat came and put a muzzle like thing on my mouth.

"I want to win just like All Might no matter what you have to offer me, that will never change do you understand" If Kat could keep them talking and distracted I could take more of the power slowly with out them noticing, the one problem was my hair. If I could put all the power into these cuffs I could get the unlocked by I'm sure I'll need a lot, so shooting it through my hands instantly will have to work. At least I can't distract them. The tv turned on giving me a solid opportunity.

"As Katsuki Bakugou's teacher I take full responsibility for not taming his violent behaviour, however his actions at the sports festival were born from his deep seeded convictions. he's trying harder then anyone in his pursuit to become the top hero. if the villains think they have a chance with him, they are grossly mistaken I can guarantee you that much" Shota "as for Faith, she has travelled a long road being face to face with constant villains, she despises them more than anyone I know. The likelihood of her caving into the villains desires are zero" I smirked

"Looks like the teachers know us better than I thought" Kat said I started to collect as much energy as I could and put it to the restraints on my hands "ILL NEVER JOIN YOU LEAGUE OF BASTARDS!" Good Kat keep it up. "WE MAY NOT BE AT CAMP BUT IM STILL ALOUD TO FIGHT!"

"He must have found it he's important to us clever boy" a guy with huge lips said, shit I need more power

"No he's a fool" Dabi said he glanced at me then looked back forward with a slight grin. Did he know what I was doing? Yea he did he backed away

"Let me stab him" a girl around our age said

"A clever performer would have acted like we were winning him over now that he's broken character he's finished" the top hat guy said. They are stupider then I thought

"I only ever do what I want to, and I won't even pretend otherwise, and I tired of being surrounded by a bunch of lame ass wannabes"

"Father" the blue haired male said

"NO TUMURA SHIGARAKI BE CALM" the purple mist said a click was heard and the cuffs came off I stood there finally free. I took the mask off and walked up to Kat

"A good performer always knows what they are doing" I said putting my elbow on Kat

"Don't put a finger on them any of you" he reached and grabbed the hand off the floor "these hero's are still valuable pieces" he put the hand on his face "I wish you listened to what I had to say i though you and I would have an understanding"

"You think we are the same, not a chance" I said

"I have no choice, the hero's said they would continue their investigation on our group, and we don't have time to stand me and talk. Master lend me your power" he turned to the TV and said

"That is a wise decision Tomura Shigaraki"

"A master I thought you were the boss around here but you're a sidekick" I said smiling at him

"Kurogiri, compress it's time to put them back to sleep"

"'Sigh' I can't believe they was such a bad audience members, it's almost impressive"

"If you want us to listen then get on your knees and beg!" Kat yelled

While everyone was distracted there was a knock on the door confusing everyone in the room. The heads in the room turned to it in silence

"Hello I got a pizza delivered here" everyone went quiet and looked at the door.

The wall beside us broke down and All Might was in the view, sadly he was the only one that could help us right now. Branches surrounded the villains, Dabi was kicked in the face once he tried to use his flames

"You guys must have been scared but you stayed strong" all might said

"LIKE HELL WE WERE SCARED" we said synch

They started to talk and try to get shigaraki to talk but they didn't get an answer

"I HATE YOU ALL MIGHT" was the last thing said before black mist like Kurogiri's appeared

"The hell NOMU'S!?" Heros yelled

"KAT!" I yelled as mist surrounded him I tried to move but I couldn't I looked down and mist surrounded me "SHOTA!"

We were dropped into a destroyed area were it seemed like building were

"My apologies Bakugou and Terris" more of the mist appeared and so did the league "You failed once again Tomura but you must not be discouraged you'll try again that's why I brought your associates back with you even these children, start over as many times as it takes I'm here to provide help" what the hell who is this he had a black suit on with a black helmet covering his face with tubes coming out of It's Head

"Ahh there you are" my eyes widened I looked out and saw a figure getting closer and closer, all might.

"ALL HAVE YOU RETURN MY STUDENTS ALL FOR ONE" he said punching the guy. All for one I heard that name before

"Have you come to kill me a second time all might" I know exactly who this is I was blasted away

This was the boss

They began to fight and all might was thrown into a wall

We were surrounded by villains with Dabi on the ground Unconscious. We had to get out and the only way was to fight Kat looked at me with a smirk

"This will be fun" he said I got into my fighting stance and was ready for this to start

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