Chapter 9

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Once we got our stuff ready in our sleeping grounds and ate. everyone ate like a cow it was kinda concerning. This was the only day they would be cooking for us and then we cook for ourselves. Afterward we got to go into a nice bath that was really nice. All the girls were there and enjoying themselves.

"God I'm happy they have a hot springs here" Jirou said

From the other side of the wall I could hear Iida yelling for Mineta to stop

"You should put yourselves under the water more, Mineta is coming"

"Oh shit" we heard a voice that I couldn't hear what they were saying but I did notice it was a little kid

"Thanks Kota" i said

"Yea thanks" Kota looked at us the fell back hopefully someone got him

"You wanna play a game"

"What? No"

"Come on please"

"What game?"

"Truth or dare"

"And I'm out"

"Come on Mina it's only fun when you get the hole class involved" Jirou said with a devilish smile


I was rudely awaken at 5:30 in the morning that's not ok. Today we started our training I was honestly kinda scared after I realized how far Kat could throw but most of all how he only got four meters more which proved how this was going to go to be.

"We are focussing on improving your quirk. This training will feel so hard you'll feel like you're dying. Let's hope you'll all survive" Shota said I was honestly horrified by now.

Everyone was doing there own training that fit there quirk it was horrible. Do I want to list it, no. Kat was putting his hands in boiling hot water to expand his sweat glands to make his explosions bigger. Sero was constantly using his tape to make it stronger. Kirishima was training with Ojiro the harder ojiro hit Kirishima with his hardening it made them both stronger. Mina was constantly using her acid. Kaminari was murderjng his body by connecting himself to a high copasity battery to increase his voltage usage. I was using as much electricity as I could find and see how much I could store in my body and going further away so I can work into the distance I need for grabbing electricity I was doing mine in a more private place. Like I said I don't want people knowing who I am.

It hurt storing so much energy in me I had to use a battery like Kaminari which was horrible. And after holding it in for half an hour I was able to disperse it. But I used it to make new things other then a shield it was more work then they told me to do but it helped I started making it so I had electric explosions coming from my hands. Thanks Kat. Plus I would put it around my hands and punch a huge rock

We had to make our own food it definitely tasted bad but everyone was way to hungry to care I wasn't paying attention and the next thing I knew Sero was getting punched in the face and I busted out laughing

"Kat What did you do to your stove?" I teased

'Tch' was how he replied. I grabbed his arm and dragged him into the forest and sat in an open spot on the ground where you could see the stars "where are we?"

"I saw this place while we were training, do you like it?"

"It's beautiful, but nothing Is more beautiful then you"

"Oooo so cheesy" I cringed he just laughed and laid next to me and reached for my hand I blushed a little before taking his in mine.

"I love you faith Terris I don't care who you are or what you've been through, I'm just happy I'm here with you now"

"You can be a cheesy one you know that" he chuckled "I love you Katsuki Bakugou"

The third day of camp we got back at it I was constantly shooting crazy amounts of electricity though me. And making different things.

"How I didn't know you could manipulate electricity as well" Mandalay said coming out of no where

"Oh yea I didn't really realize it until now" I said rubbing my neck nervously

"How many voltages can you go in to?"

"Well 4 million volts I still need room for improvement"

"Wow, Do you train a lot?"

Not really I was constantly having to push myself for survival back on the streets so I wouldn't really call that training

"Y-Yea I guess"

"You guess..." she looked me up and down making me nervous "what's your last name?" Shit

"Ummmmmm Aizawa"

"He's gay I'm sure he didn't have a kid" SHIT "It's terris isn't it?" I looked away

"It's none of your business about who I am"

"That explains your personality more"

"So what if it is"

"You just have the same quirk as her" she kinda had a scared look

"You got told I killed her didn't you?" She looked away "It's a lie she killed herself my father hated me so told the cops he watched me kill her"

"O-oh I'm sorry"

"It's fine I'm used to it" I turned on the battery and started up again and the cat left.

"Listen up you guys have been training hard so tonight you get to play hard in the test of courage class against class" pixie bob said. It literally just sounds like more painful training.

When we started to cook Kat started to get worked up and Kirishima has no energy to deal with it I walked over and kissed his cheek making him shut up.

"Iida stop looking at the damn peeler and peel those potatoes" I said annoyed

after eating and cleaning dishes we started the test of courage. We went into pairs and had to avoid getting scared the problem with me if I get scared I hurt someone. So I'm more afraid I'll brake an arm we had to draw numbers and I got eight so I was with Midorya. Which was fine but he kinda was awkward when it came to girls plus he was a maga fanboy.

The smell of smoke started to come from the forest. Behind me pixie bob was dragged away and got a metal bar but on her head. I thought the villains wouldn't find us that there were only so few amount of people that knew about this place.

"PIXIE BOB" I called we were completely surrounded

Kat I hope you're ok

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