Chapter 12

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I took on the girl who was constantly swinging her knife so I hardly could attack. the remaining buildings standing had lights and phones recording. I really didn't want them to know my quirk or last name or anything about me but I can't be picky right now, I have to fight.

I drained the power from the buildings I launched a little bit of electricity at her knife making her fall to the ground. A person with a huge magnet used his quirk dragging me over. I turned around and blasted him putting him on the ground

"You sound gay my guy" I said smirking

"I'm a women" time froze as I looked at her out of complete shock. I was flipped to the ground so she was on top putting the magnetic my chest "don't let your guard down"

"Says you" I touched the magnet electrocuting her. "I thought you knew everything about me" I got back up and dodged a knife that was thrown at me.

"Come on we could be great friends if you stop resisting"

"I think I'll pass you psycho" the way I'm using my quirk only works for some people so I have
To compromise. how does the class use there's?

Aoyama, shoots his- I put my hand out as a gun and shot compress

Iida, speed- twice tried to hit me with a measuring tap I quickly dodged

Tokoyami, protection- another knife was thrown at me I made a shield protecting me

Uraraka, flight- I blasted myself off the ground making compress, compress that mystery woman instead of me

Koda, control- "KAT JUMP" he blasted himself off the ground. I put my hands to the ground and let out my quirk, the electricity making it crack and break throwing them off balance shooting the electricity in unpredictable locations.

A pillar of ice was made in the sky making everyone turn into that direction. A blob came into play as it shot across the sky. "COME ON"  was all I heard Kat looked at me


"Please be careful" he blasted off and I shot another bullet at shigaraki who almost had a grasp on him then at the lizard behind me. I did what Kat did and blasted off the ground before I could get high enough my ankle was grabbed and I was pulled back to the ground I looked below me and saw shigaraki hold me my pants began to turn to dust. I was pulled to the ground on my back and he sat on me holding my hands above my head

"Well kid you put on quite a show I would hate you kill you to, the Terris name would be in the ground" he hit my head with a rock then put a finger on my wrist spreading pain through it. I pulled every ounce of power I could find Making my hair glow blindingly and blasted him off of me. My body felt like hell was raising. I stood back up hardly being able to stand. You could see the electricity flowing around me as the colour blue along with my hair on the ground. my wrist was black and it seemed to be spreading fast

"I'm not going anywhere but I'm more then willing to bring you back to hell"

Well we'll see then!" he ran to me But I had no strength A nudge would put me to the ground for far to long. he was only three seconds away but a blue flame went right in front of me I looked over and saw Dabi standing

"Go kid!" I used my electricity for speed and ran for my life. I ran through the city taking out lights from the amount of power I had to use for it. once I got to a place in the city I stood in the middle of traffic so people were honking at me I looked at my hand and It was almost up to my elbow

"Shit" I said scared


"I think she's injured"

"Is she a villain?"

"Stay back" a mother said

my legs were totally dead I couldn't stand back up. That blow I did to shigaraki must have done something to my body and running surely didn't help. Blood dripped form my face

"Everyone stay away" a hero said "Put your hands up villain"

"I'm...not~" I was out of breath

"I SAID HANDS UP" he kicked me to the ground even though I was on my knees then put his foot on it

"A.. villain" I finished I used more of my quirk and looked up and saw Katsuki my hair dimmed blue and I saw hit eyes widened

"GET YOUR HANDS OFF HER" I heard a rough voice say

"Katsuki" I said


"NO SHES NOT! THATS FAITH" things started to get harder to see

"That's our classmate get off of her" who was that my vision was to blurry


"Stop" I said

"SHUT UP KID" he put more pressure on my back making me yelp

A blue flame came from the distance as people started to run The weight was lifted off my back and I was picked up


"I'm not going to take her, take her somewhere safe"

"Thank.... you Dabi, AHHH" more pain Went though my arm spreading to my elbow

"Shigaraki's quirk is spreading she'll die if it gets to her head or chest get her to a hospital, quickly" I was put into another set of arms

"Why are you helping us"

"Because stain would hate to see a real hero die"

"What do you mean?" Todoroki asked

"She saved Bakugou you may have not seen it but she saw shigaraki coming for him she told him to go so he wouldn't get killed, and risked her life, she's a hero so if I were you I would go now" we started to move but everything faded away

Katsuki pov
"SHIT FAITH STAY WITH ME" I started to run until we got to the hospital

"Please she's Unconscious in the villains quirk is quickly spreading" icyhot said bursting into the hospital nurses rushed to our side and grabbed faith from me

"Kat" I heard I grabbed her hand and kissed it before she was taken away we sat in the waiting room waiting for the nurse to come out and update us, two hours passed.

"Hey Bakugou"

"What do you want icyhot"

"Is her last name really Terris?"


"Bakugou please calm down" Kirishima tried to calm me down but how was I supposed to.


"I never thought she did"

The door opened revealing recovery girl "we couldn't do much for the injuries, we stopped the spreading of the quirk so she'll live, but she has injuries from her own quirk she went over her limit" I fell to the ground with tears streaming down my face.

Thank god she's alive

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