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(Tae's POV)

  Honestly I don't know what I signed up for. I just agreed to go because everyone else was going. So now here I am getting ready for something I don't really know much about. My outfit consisted of a plain, black tee with a black hoodie over it. My hair was pushed back and a white bandanna was tied across my forehead. The pants and shoes I wore were also simple and black.                "Get in hoe." Yelled Yoongi from the driver's seat window. "Bitch." I replied playfully, getting in the backseat. Jungkook was in the passenger seat while I was squished next to Namjoon and Seokjin. Apparently Hoseok was driving Jimin because Miyeon couldn't make it. "So, if I'm not mistaken... we're going to some sketchy ass club because Jimin's friend said so?" I question. "I mean yeah, but if you're that worried why'd you come?" Jin refuted. "I'm not worried, I'm just curious that's all." I say unconvincingly. "Whatever floats your boat Tae." Namjoon mumbles.         "Finally you guys are here." Hoseok says once we link up. I greet him and spot Jimin with his friend. His friend was someone I recognized from my art class, but I always forget her name. Jimin himself looked pretty good, his outfit was simple yet flattering. "What is this place Soo?" Jimin asked the girl next to him. "It's a high end club called 'Diamond Skin'. I come here all the time with some other friends. I always get in because one friend's parents owns the club." She explained, beckoning us to the entrance. There stood a tall, burly man dressed in a standard, black suit. The only "off" thing was the small embroidered '9' on his suit jacket. My eyes narrowed at him. "Nine." Soojin said softly to the man. The guard remained stoic, only nodding once in response. I look around to see my friends chatting excitedly. So I'm the only one one who notices this interaction?  "Come on guys we're gonna have so much fun." Soojin grins eagerly, but the glint in her eyes is saying something else.

   The club is nothing like those other local, cheaper clubs around town. Its interior is like no other. This place basically breathes luxury and boujee. The people walking around were sophisticated and elegant looking compared to the usual trashy style I'm used to seeing. Suddenly I felt out of place, we all looked out of place...well except for Soojin. Thankfully no one really spared us a glance. That's weird...maybe it's because Soojin is with us. I mean she's the one who frequents this place allot. "Follow me fellows." Soojin instructed speaking of the devil. We follow her to a small section with a table and chairs. This seemed to be a lounge area while the dance floor was over to our left. "Hello gentlemen and Soo. I'll be your waitress tonight. We serve all kinds of drinks and things you can snack on." A woman no older than 30 spoke to us. What the fuck! This club is seriously insane. I have never had a waitress/waiter serve me in a club. "We'll all have the special Hyejin." Soojin says to the pretty waitress. "What's the special?" Jimin asked. "It's a drink that Diamond Skin is known for." Was all she replied.                                      A few minutes later the waitress named Hyejin came with 7 drinks. "Your drinks are served. I hope you love it, it's specially made." The woman says winking. Everyone one picks one up. I hesitantly pick one up. Before taking a sip I look at Soojin. "How come you didn't order a drink for you?" I inquire, raising a brow. "What do you mean?" She asks. "Well there is eight of us and the waitress only brought out seven." I state, narrowing my eyes at the girl. "I just don't feel like drinking right now, that's all." She quickly answers. "Yeah ok." I say, seeing right through her bull shit. "How about we all go dance or something." Hoseok suggests, trying to lighten up the mood. "Yeah, I'm gonna head to the dance floor." Jimin announces getting up. "I'll come with." I blurt out, receiving a surprised look from the shorter. "What?" I question sassily. He shakes his head no replying, "Nothing."                                                                                                                                                          Another contrast with this place and other clubs is the music. I'm used to hearing loud trap music blasting my eardrums, however this club is filled with sensual and intense R&B. "I like this type of music...it's so sensual and sexy." The smaller boy says looking up at me. "I agree." Looking down at him, I witness the only light in the club shine down, illuminating his face. In this light he looked more ethereal and heavenly. I haven't really taken the time to appreciate his features; pink, plump lips, puppy-like eyes, and fair, even skin. "Taehyung! What's going on with you?" The other one snapped in my face. "Let's just dance." I say, brushing off his words. "O-ok." He replies shyly. The song playing was smooth and sensual (I imagined the song to be 'So Anxious' by Ginuwine) Grabbing his waist gently, I pull him closer to me. We proceed to dance like the time we did at the other party. His body rolled, his ass grinding on me seductively. It feels wrong how we always end up in situations like this. Me being straight getting grinded on by a boy I'm not supposed to like. Whatever, I'll just enjoy it for tonight. Once a couple songs passed, we were both tired yet satisfied. "I'll be right back, I just want to take a sip of my drink." The exhausted boy wheezes out. I nod telling him to be careful, sneaking a glance of his ass when he walks off.                                                                                                                                                                   Where is he?  It's been like 5 minutes, it doesn't take long to come back to our spot. "Guys where's Jimin?" I ask Yoongi and Jungkook who were still at the table. They only looked at me with worried expressions. "I haven't seen him." Jungkook says, voice ridden with a nervous tone. "What do you mean? He said he was coming back here to get a sip of his drink." I seethe, my tone increasing. "Let's go find him then." Yoongi proposes, getting out of his seat. "Ok, lets go different ways." Jungkook suggests. With that, I began my scavenge for the short, black haired boy. The dance floor is enveloped with fog making it more difficult for my hunt. As I walk further into the club I hear what sounds like Jimin. Walking near the voice I witness a sight I would never want to see again. "Get the fuck off him!" I yell at the man who was pinning the small boy to the wall. He snaps his head to face me, once he heard my voice. "Who the hell are you?" He spat at me, pinning Jimin's wrists down tighter. "Don't worry about it!" I yell, charging at the older man. With an upper cut to the jaw, I had knocked him out with ease. Grabbing the sobbing boy, I pull him to an exit. "Why are we out here?" The sniffling boy inquired. "I would assume you would want some fresh air." I tell him as we walk down the sidewalk. He nods in understanding, still sniffling. For a few minutes we walked in silence until the smaller boy spoke up. "Thank you for helping me out back there. I thought n-no one would." He spoke softly, his voice raspy from crying so hard. I looked down at him and felt so bad. His poor shirt was torn and his figure was trembling. He looked so helpless and scared. Did no one want to help the poor boy who was on the brink of being raped or something else just as horrifying? "No need to thank me, I'm just being a decent human being." I tell him, not giving myself the credit. Walking further down the sidewalk I see a figure in the distance creeping towards us. "Stop, really quickly." The trembling figure next to me stops as I do, looking up at me with concern in his eyes. "What are you doing here on our turf?" The person yells, seemingly to me. "What?" "You know what! Aren't you a Bangtan boy?" They reply, coming even closer. "Taehyung, what is he talking about?" A scared Jimin asks me with his quivering voice. "Don't worry about it." I say harshly, dismissing his question. "Yeah you're definitely one of them. Probably should cover that symbol tattoo on your neck, that gave me my answer." The man laughed mockingly. "Fuck." I mumble under my breath, as I noticed the small nine on the side of his neck. We're in big trouble. I should've known something was up, especially with Soojin. "We didn't know that this was you guys' spot." I tell the rival gang member honestly. "I call bull shit!" He spits, pulling out a gun. My eyes widened, quickly pushing Jimin behind me. Hastily I pull out the gun that was concealed snug in my waistband. "Do something motherfucker! You won't kill me! You're just a wannabe gangster that is in a wannabe gang!" The man opposite me spat tauntingly, trying to get a reaction out of me. Yet my face fails to move a muscle, causing the guy to yell more shit talk. "See, I knew you weren't gonna do shit. You're pathetic 'gang' is made up of nothing but cowards."                             BANG! BANG! BANG!                                                                                                                                                               I watched his body fall limp onto the pavement. Blood pooled around his dead body, spreading throughout the ground. "Jimin we have to go." I say looking at the completely frozen boy. "You just fucking killed someone." He muttered, his wide eyes still trained on the dead figure in front of us. "I know Jimin but if I didn't we would have been the ones in his place." My words were blunt but honest. "T-this is b-bad. V-very bad." He mumbled shaking back and forth, his breathing heavier than before. Fuck is he having a panic attack? "Jimin we have to hide the body, gather everyone and leave." I say matter of factly, but it was like talking to a brick wall. "He's d-dead, y-you killed him. O-oh my g-god." He continuously muttered, eyes still wide, breathing still ragged. I have to help him or we're just gonna be screwed.  "Jimin-ah, it was for the best. I know you would rather not die and take his place, am I right." I whisper gently to him. He didn't respond, only his heavy breathing was heard. Analyzing his figure, I pull his quivering body into mine. I hugged him tightly whispering in his ear calming words, attempting to soothe him. Finally his breathing became a normal pace and I pulled him up to stand. "We have to do this Jimin I know you don't want to but we've wasted allot of time already." My words came out softly, not wanting to scare the fragile boy any longer. "O-ok." He whispered.

A.N~ This chapter was really hefty. I hope everyone that reads it enjoys it. xoxo


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                                                                    (What Tae and Jimin wore)

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