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(Jimin's POV)

   Fuck my life. This night was supposed to be fun, Soojin suggested we come here after all. Speaking of, that bitch disappeared as soon as we went dancing. She is supposed to be helping us navigate the club but she fucking took off. Now I'm stuck with the image of someone's dead body in the front of my mind and I got assaulted.    "Jimin help me lift his body up please. We have to throw his body in the dumpster behind the club." Taehyung informs me of his plan, lifting the body's upper half.  "Can't we just get caught. I'm so over this night." I whine, only half kidding. I don't even know what I was saying, my mind felt so hazy and fucked up.   "What the fuck! No Jimin!" He yelled, eyebrows furrowed.   I flinch at his tone and decide to be quiet. Picking up the lower half of the dead body I can feel my stomach become queasy and nauseous. We silently trudge towards the garbage dumpster, moving the trash aside and dumping the body inside.  "What now?" I ask, my voice shaky and raspy from sobbing.  "I need to call Yoongi so that he can gather everyone up because we need to get the fuck out of here immediately. I'm surprised no one else is coming for us. But right now lets walk to his car." Taehyung replies, taking out his phone to call Yoongi. As he talks, I drown out his voice my thoughts taking over.  What is going to happen now? Am I just gonna live with the guilty conscious of that dead body forever? I know he was killed out of defense but I can't help but feel guilty. Why me? Why do I have to be in the midst of these disastrous events?  "Yoongi said everyone minus Soojin is already together and they are making their way to us." The tall boy informs me, making me front back into reality.  "Taehyung... are people going to come after us?" I ask, breaking the awkward silence. The aforementioned looks up in thought.  "Probably." He says after a while. Gasping at his blunt answer, I feel a tear run slowly down my cheek.   "Please don't cry right now." The boy spits harshly. Sniffling, I mumble a small "S-sorry."  I squeeze my eyes and mouth shut to keep quiet trying not to upset the taller any longer. But a breeze blows by, making me shiver due to me wearing nothing but a short sleeve shirt. Not being able to contain it, my teeth chatter as the wind gets stronger.  I feel the other's sharp eyes on me, "Are you cold?"   I nod in response.  "Here."  The bigger male says, handing me his black hoodie.  All I could do was stare, shook at the scenario happening before me. This seemingly cold-hearted block of ice actually feels empathy.  "Are you gonna take it?" He snaps, pushing the hoodie into my arms.  "Thank you Taehyung." I thank, pulling the larger piece of clothing onto my body.   "We're here, sorry we took so long." I hear Namjoon say.  Looking towards the voice, I see our friends coming to us. "Alright lets hurry and get out of here." Yoongi speaks, already getting into the driver's seat. "Well since I brought Jimin, we will go in my car." Hoseok announces, beckoning me to come into his car. Once we were situated, the red head pulled off driving me to my house.                             "I'm so sorry Jimin, no words can express how bad I feel. You shouldn't have been put in any of these situations."  The boy driving tells me, sincerity laced in his tone.  "I mean, it's not your fault Hobi." I say, trying to ease the boy's guilt.  My response makes him scoff, "Jimin, as you now know, we're in a gang. And as a gang we should've been smarter, taking the time to figure out that this could've been a dangerous decision coming here. Which it was, and you got involved accidentally. That's why I'm sorry, why we're all sorry."  I look at the boy as he speaks. His eyes were on the road but I could see his grip on the wheel tighten, and how his eyebrows furrowed. "You guys can't take all the blame because I willingly tagged along even though I didn't know anything about the place. So it's partially my fault too, so don't beat yourself up about it." I say, laying my head on the back of the seat. "I'm gonna sleep now. Wake me up when we're at my house."  Everything after that was a daze, as I had completely knocked out. My brain unable to keep running after this disastrous night.

                             (Imagine him with dark brown hair)

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                             (Imagine him with dark brown hair)

"Jimin-ah, we're here."  Opening my eyes, I see a warm pair of brown orbs staring into mine. I slowly get up, feeling how my aches from sleeping in such an uncomfortable position. "Thank you Hobi."   The aforementioned just shakes his head no, "You don't have to thank me." He says, quickly hugging me.  Walking to the front door of my house, my mom was already there to open it. I could see the deep scowl embedded on her face. "Park Jimin! Did you see how many times I was calling and texting you? Miyeon even called and texted you as well!" Her yelling echoed throughout the dark outside. "I-"    "Just come inside!" The older woman interrupted, pulling me inside.  "I'm sorry for yelling, I just was worried. You told me you should be coming back by 10:00 and it's midnight." My mother tells me while embracing me tightly.  "I know I'm sorry mom. It's just allot happened and I'm really exhausted mentally and physically."  I confess honestly. "Alright, I trust you. If you don't want to talk about it now, that's fine. However I expect an explanation tomorrow, or technically later today since it's midnight." She softly speaks, caressing my face in a motherly manner.  Passing by the body-sized mirror in my bedroom, I realize that I'm still in Taehyung's hoodie. I smile to myself noticing how big it is on me. The sleeves are so big that I have sweater paws. The cloth even smells like him, like soap with a hint of mint. 

JiMinnieMouse-  Hey, I forgot to give you your hoodie back.

_Tae_baby_-  It's fine, you can give it back when we go to school. 

JiMinnieMouse- Ok, I'll wash it for you.

_Tae_baby_- Also, Jimin you can't tell anyone about what happened tonight. Of course us and other boys know but no one else. Since you're most likely a target now we'll all have to protect you. I also will walk to school with you and what not.

JiMinnieMouse- Taehyung what if we get in trouble or someone finds out? I'm not very good at hiding stuff, especially from my mom.

_Tae_baby_- Jimin in this life, there is no snitching ok. I'm gonna need you to try your best at keeping your mouth shut. And we shouldn't have to worry about someone finding out.

JiMinnieMouse- But I'm not in this life! I'm not in a gang. 

_Tae_baby_- It doesn't matter! You're still a target and I'm sure you don't want to be kidnapped, raped, murdered and more. 

JiMinnieMouse- No, I don't want that.

_Tae_baby_- Exactly.

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