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(Taehyung's POV)

        After I dropped Jimin home, I drive straight to my house. The hang out was really fun. Jimin was really interesting to hang out with. Mainly because he's very different from all of the others in our friend group. Surprisingly we got along really well, I mean we are very opposite people. But people do say opposites attract.                                                                                                                                Stepping up the doorsteps, I take out my keys to open the door. However, the door was already open making me scared.  "The fuck." I whisper to myself.    "Grandma!" I yell once I walked inside our home. Was she asleep? She has to be the one that left the door unlocked since she's the only one here. That's weird though, why would she leave it unlocked?   "Grandma!" I call out again. Walking into the kitchen, I witness something I never want to see again. There my grandma was, on the floor passed out. Rushing over to her body, I shake her trying to wake her up.  "Grandma! Please wake up!" I yell shaking her with all my might.   "Fuck!" I scream, tears welling in my eyes. She isn't waking up and it's concerning me. Carefully I pick her up and bring her to my car.  Silently, I drive her to the hospital. I can't call the cops because that is putting me at risk of getting checked. If they find out I'm gang affiliated, that won't help anything. 

     "I need to check my grandmother in, she is passed out and won't wake up." I explain to the lady at the check in desk.  "Why didn't you call an ambulance?" The lady asked, narrowing her eyes at me.  "It's expensive and I'm only 17. I can't pay for that. Can you just help her?" I answer with an annoyed expression.  "Yes, we need to get a stretcher to transfer her into the emergency room." She tells me, before going off somewhere. I look down at the fragile woman in my arms. I'm sorry I wasn't there to help you.  Not too long after, a nurse comes towards me with a stretcher.  "Lay her right here." The nurse instructs and I comply.  "Come along with me." She says and I follow her. 

     "So she has suffered allot of trauma in her head. With this being said your grandmother is in coma, and we don't know if she'll wake up or not. Don't worry we will continue to run tests and monitor her." The doctor explains to me.  She's in a coma? Fuck life! What if she never wakes up and they have to pull the plug? I would be destroyed, I can't live without her.   "Alright. Will I be able to visit her everyday?" I ask, attempting to hold myself together.  "Yes, of course. She is your guardian." The doctor confirms, making me sigh of relief. 

     Back at home, I can't help but start to break down. Deep down I have a feeling of who might of done this. There are no other people I could think of except for our rival gang, 'The Kings'. It makes sense, they would want revenge since I killed one of their members. That is so low, harming someone's grandma. I hate them so fucking much. However, I can't attack them in this state of mind. I need to be smart and my thoughts are irrational right now. Texting the boys I explained my situation. Namjoon told me he'll look into it. 

           It's Monday and I have to walk with Jimin to school but I don't want to

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           It's Monday and I have to walk with Jimin to school but I don't want to. I don't want to be near or talk to anyone.  "Hey Jungkook. Can you walk with Jimin today? I need to be alone right now. And I won't be at school, I'll be in dance though." I tell my best friend over the phone.  "Alright, that's cool." He replies.  "Thanks." I say before hanging up. I just have no energy to go to school or do much at all. Plus, I haven't skipped school in a hot minute. Jimin made me not want to be such a horrible student. Speaking of the boy, I kind of feel bad. After hanging out with him on Saturday I bet he would want to see me. But after what happened in the past two days, I just can't. I'll probably just go during dance class and that's it. Laying in my bed, I run a hand through my hair. I haven't felt this amount of stress and anxiety in a long time. It feels like a heavy weight was placed on my chest, making it hard for me to breathe. Opening the top drawer on my bedside table, I pull out a blunt and lighter. I place it between my lips once I light up the end. Taking a long drag, I relax feeling the smoke infiltrate my body. Immediately my body feels so much more calmed and chilled. Eventually I put out the blunt and fall asleep. Maybe if I rest I'll feel a bit better than before. 

  Finally awaking from my nap I get up to walk to school. Everyone is in their last class, so I have to go to dance class. I tell Jungkook to open the back door for me, so I can sneak into the building without getting caught.  "So you decided to come." Jungkook says with a smirk.  "Yeah just for this class though." I tell him as we walk upstairs and towards the dance studio.  Walking in the studio, I scan the class trying to spot my two other friends. Recognizing them, I see Jimin in Hoseok's arms, bright smiles on both of their faces. Seeing that definitely didn't improve my mood. It made me feel even more sour than before and I don't know why.   

     "Taehyung, you finally decide to show up

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     "Taehyung, you finally decide to show up." Taemin says with an amused expression. I nod in response. "It's fine, I'll let it slide today. Class today is a free period, just so you all can have a break." The teacher explains, patting my shoulder. "Ok thanks." I say before walking towards my friends.   "Hey Tae." Hoseok greets, causing Jimin to turn around at the sound of my name. He looks at me with a bright smile and says a jubilant, "Hi." to me.   "Hey." I reply with a dry tone that made the boy's smile fall. Even though he tried to hide it, I could see the slight hurt in his face.  "Let's chill over here guys." Hoseok suggests, pointing to one corner of the studio.  "Ok." We all agreed, following the red-head.  I sat down on the floor, laying my head back on the wall and closing my eyes. Feeling a presence beside me, I see Jimin also sliding down next to me.  "You look tired." He states, analyzing my exhausted face.  I look at him with a bored expression before saying, "I bet I do."    "Yeah. And you skipped school that's why you didn't walk with me in the morning. You haven't skipped school in a while though." He says, stating the obvious.  I just hum in response, not wanting to talk too much.   "What's wrong?" The small boy asks, concern written all over his face.   "Huh?" Was my reply before he explains.  "Well you aren't talking much, like you aren't being your normal self."  I shrug my shoulders but he wasn't satisfied.  "Why are you being like that? We were fine on Saturday." He says with an annoyed expression. "Sorry that I can't entertain you today. Maybe I'm just having a bad day, damn! Things don't always go right in life but you wouldn't know that because you act like your life is fucking perfect!" I spit, getting in his face. Not expecting my outburst, his face turns into shock.  "First of all, I never said nor do I act like my life is perfect! I get that you're having a bad day but I was happy to see you and you act like you aren't! Since you're clearly upset, I wanted to know what was wrong because I care! You said we're friends but apparently not, because you shouldn't push your friends away!" He yells back with tears in his eyes. Hoseok and Jungkook look at us with jaws dropped and the rest of the class stared as well.  "Both of you guys calm the fuck down." Jungkook says sternly, pulling me out of the other boy's face.   "Jimin just sit here so you can calm down." Hoseok speaks, and the boy listens getting up to sit next to the red head.  Even though he made me pissed, I didn't want him to be next to Hoseok. I don't know why that bothers me or why it matters but it does. Whatever, I don't care.  Looking over I see Jimin with his head on the Hoseok's shoulder while Hoseok rubs his arm soothingly. Subconsciously my jaw clenched at the sight. Why do I care anyways?

A.N~ Oop they're mad at each other again. Hopefully you like this chapter, I might double update again. xoxo

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