three 🏐

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"Hurry up, Akaashi! The short break's only 10 minutes!"

Getting dragged around by Bokuto was about as common as Akaashi's day can go. Today he let himself be pulled in the direction of the gym where the Karasuno and Kurokishi match was about to begin.

"Do you see her? Where is she?" The ace of Fukurodani kept craning his neck in search of the girl they were specifically expecting to find in the camp.

"Bokuto-san, you need to take it down a notch. You don't want to annoy Ichihashi-san again." Akaashi can practically feel Bokuto vibrating beside him. You'd think the guy would be just a little bit worn out by now with 6 sets played on his belt but to Akaashi's dismay—and would be Miyako's eventually—he's still at 100% on his energetic battery. But then again, when wasn't he?

Bokuto let out the most obnoxious gasp as he turned to his setter. "When did I ever annoy her? How in the—wait, did Miyako-san said that? Did she say I'm annoying?"

And then there it was—Bokuto Koutaro's infamous mood swings. Akaashi watched him deflate in real time. To think I'd be the cause this time. He sighed inwardly. Me and my blunt mouth. But to be fair, Miyako did say Bokuto was draining in a way, though this wasn't the time to be technical. Not when the boy beside him was on a verge of a dejected episode.

"No, I said you're annoying. She told me you're a hoot." Akaashi hoped that would be enough for damage control.

And it was, fortunately. Bokuto was grinning in no time, exclaiming, "Was that an owl pun, Akaashi? Nice!"

It wasn't long before the ace found who he was looking for. But Akaashi thought it took him long enough, having been able to spot Miyako as they were approaching the court. Well, if he's being truthful here, he was actually eyeing her ever since Kurokishi High arrived at the camp. Not that he'd tell Bokuto that though, or anyone for that matter.

"What are we looking at here?"

Akaashi and Bokuto both turned to the voice and came face to face with Nekoma's captain, Kuroo. He's got their setter by the neck of his shirt, looking as disinterested as usual.

"It's our match after the break. What are you all standing here for watching warm ups?" Kuroo asked, following the Fukurodani duo's previous line of vision and then landing on a girl by the courtside. He let out a dragged out "oh".

Kenma, intrigued by his friend's interested drawl, turned to where Kuroo was looking over. The girl on the bench was familiar but he couldn't put a name to the face.

Meanwhile, the very girl in question shifted uncomfortably on her seat. Why did she suddenly felt like she's being watched? Miyako was scribbling down on her clipboard, finalizing the team's lineup. She looked up to Haruki, expecting him to be the one watching, but the boy was trained on the court ahead. Pivoting her gaze to the right, she found the pairs of eyes responsible for her sudden discomfort. But they didn't even bother to look away. Two of the four boys can be visibly seen trying to catch her attention, the Fukurodani boy waving his hands frantically and the Nekoma one was throwing finger guns at her. She sighed. Oh boy, here we go.

"She's looking! She's looking over here! Akaashi, you wave too, come on!" Bokuto was so distracting with his noodle arms that even the teams warming up and the ones actually playing spared him a glance.

"Is it possible to die from secondhand embarrassment?" Akaashi thought his voice was low enough for only him to hear but Kenma turned to him with a distasteful look on his face. "God, I hope so." He deadpanned.

The captains only stopped their mess of a display when Miyako waved back awkwardly. She then immediately went back to her scribbling, even turning her body further away from their side of the gym. Her knees hit Haruki's back, making the manager turn to her. He quirked an eyebrow.

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