four 🏐

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"Let's have a good game!"

Miyako sat by the bench, the jacket draped upon her shoulder feeling heavier than it seemed. She sighed inwardly. Before the match began, the team basically wrestled her to wear the coach's jacket—the item mischievously obtained by the coach's nephew himself, Hiroshi.

"Just wear it, Miyako," Even the usually quite middle blocker, Yoshinari, chimed in the childish egging. "These idiots aren't getting into the court if they don't get what they want." He shrugged, inching away a bit from the rowdy crowd, establishing that he's not one of these idiots.

Ain't that the truth. Miyako roughly grabbed at the abused jacket, but not before thwacking Hiroshi on the back. The middle blocker hacked a cough in amidst his laughs. She placed the jacket over her shoulder, not quite wearing it.

"Yeah, you should definitely replace Coach Kurokawa as our coach." Uchida said.

Miyako scoffed and then saw Hiroshi fervently nodding at Uchida. She kicked him on the shins. "That's your uncle, you goof." She proceeded to shoo the guys away, pointing them to the direction of the court. "I'm definitely telling coach about this."

On the other side of the court, the Karasuno volleyball team looked over their opponent's chaotic exhibit.

Tanaka noticed the girl they were flocking to. "Hey, Kageyama," he called out to their setter. "You told us she's the manager, right? Why is she wearing a coach's jacket?"

The team looked at what Tanaka was talking about and then back at Kageyama. The setter shrugged. "I'm not sure. She didn't tell me much earlier." Every person on the other side of the netted court was a high schooler. There wasn't even any adult supervisor in sight.

"At least they don't seem intimidating," Asahi commented. The team marched towards the court and into their positions. It was true that the Kurokishi volleyball team was giving off an easy-going vibe, faces all smiles as they left the girl by the courtside to take their place in the court. The crows were actually about to agree with their ace when the whistle sounded out signaling the start of the match and the opponents's air changed. A switch has been flipped.


For someone who was reluctant to take on the task, Miyako was sure taking this coach thing seriously. Haruki kept glancing over her, peering subtly at what she was writing down on the clipboard.

Though her attention was solely on her team, she couldn't stop herself from observing her former mentee. The match's score was 13-11, in favor of Karasuno, when her attention was practically ripped from Kurokishi to witness the freak quick of the opponent team.

Tomohide whistled under his breath, a smirk forming on his lips. He turned to the other middle blocker and gave him a knowing look. Hiroshi's eyes were twinkling, the wind from the ball's momentum leaving a phantom feeling at the side of his face. He didn't even get to take a single step to stop the spiked ball.

There's always an exhilarating feel to it whenever Karasuno executes that freak quick to their opponents for the first time. Their faces were all the same afterwards. The team particularly cherished Kurokishi's reaction because it was the first time they showed any inkling of recognition for them.

Daichi was actually unsettled by the silence of the team once the match began—that was the change of atmosphere they all felt. As the game progressed, they realized that the other team projected little to no signals at all, with verbal signals almost non-existent. They seemed to be communicating with only their eyes. It wasn't a strange thing, per se, but there was something unnerving with the way they play.

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