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Camila's hand is warm in hers as she tugs Lauren back towards the car, and Lauren can't stop smiling because this might just be the most fun she's had in her entire life – it's certainly the best first date she's ever had, with an artist half her age, and Lauren thinks that Camila Cabello just might have it all.

She's gorgeous, and she's talented, and she's intelligent. She's also one of the most interesting people that Lauren has ever met; tonight has only made her more sure of that fact. No-one has ever taken her to some cozy, out of the way restaurant and an outdoor movie theatre, not since she was in high school and certainly not now that she's the CEO of one of the most successful media conglomerates in the country.

Camila makes her feel young again, reckless and alive, and when they reach the car, Camila pulling open the passenger door, Lauren can't help but press Camila back with a hand at her sternum, her other curling around the back of her neck.

Camila's mouth has been driving her wild all night, the skin of her neck still alight from the hot press of her lips, and Lauren kisses her hard, their teeth clashing as she steps close to Camila, thigh falling between Camila's legs and the moan that echoes into Lauren's mouth makes her shudder, Camila's hips arching against her as strong, sure hands grab at her waist.

They're out in the open and Lauren should probably be more conscious of that, but the parking lot is mostly empty and Lauren doesn't know how to tear herself away, not when Camila's grasping at her with near-bruising force, not when Lauren can feel the heat of her against her thigh, not when she's moaning into Lauren's mouth and kissing her like the world as she knows it will end when they part.

Her hand shifts from Camila's sternum, palming at one of her breasts through the thin material of her shirt, and Camila bites at her bottom lip in response, hard enough for it to sting, and oh, Lauren thinks she could do this every single damn day for the rest of her life.

She pulls away only because she knows if she doesn't, she will want to tug at the button of Camila's jeans and slide her hand beneath, wants to feel Camila, hot and slick beneath her fingertips, wants to sink to her knees and taste her on her tongue, and she can't do that here, against the side of a car in a public place.

"Take me home," she breathes against Camila's lips, kissing her one last time as Camila nods against her, and it takes more effort than Lauren will ever admit to take a step back when their lips next part, her breathing ragged and her pulse racing loudly in her ears.

Camila blinks at her for one long moment, still leaning back against the car door. Her eyes are wide and her cheeks flushed, lips red and smudged with the color of Lauren's lipstick – she looks completely disheveled, and Lauren has never seen a sight so beautiful.

She still looks dazed as she settles behind the wheel, and Lauren knots her hands in her lap because she thinks if she lets them rest on Camila's thigh she will be too tempted to let her fingers wander, and she thinks Camila lacks the self-control for that, doesn't want their night to end with them crashing on the side of the highway because Lauren couldn't keep her hands to herself.

"Did you really have fun tonight?" Camila's the one to break the silence between them, heavy with the want and desire that seems to settle in the air between them, and Lauren turns in her seat to face the other woman, leaning her shoulder against the door at her back.

"More than I have in a long, long time," Lauren answers honestly, and Camila's smile robs the breath from her lungs. "And I have no idea how I'm supposed to top tonight the next time I take you out." Camila's smile widens at the mention of a next time, which Lauren thinks is ridiculous, because how could she have ever doubted that?

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