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Hi guys, long time no see. I'm really sorry for the lack of updates but I had to take some time for myself. I don't know if I'll be able to post every day like before but I'll try to get the rest of the chapters, which is 2, out as soon as possible. Enjoy this one and another should be out soon😀


"Hey, gorgeous." Camila grins at the sound of Dinah's voice, turning from where she'd been directing caterers towards the back of the gallery to set up and allowing herself to be yanked into a bone-crushing hug. "This place looks amazing."

"Thank you." Dinah steps back and casts her eye around the room, taking in the various pieces on display with wide eyes, having missed out on Camila's first gallery opening because of work. "Glad you could make it."

"I'm just sorry I missed the last one." She turns back to Camila with a warm smile. "And that it's been so long since I last came to visit. I can't wait to move here."

"You guys are going apartment hunting this weekend, right?" Dinah nods, and Camila grins, because she can't wait until she and Dinah are living in the same city – they never have been before, and she's excited to be able to spend more time with the woman who's practically a second sister to her.

"We're free tomorrow night though if you wanna hang out."

"I... kinda already have plans with Lauren and Leo," Camila murmurs apologetically. "We're going ice skating."

"You're going without me?" Dinah pouts and Camila rolls her eyes. "But we always go together! You're my perfect ice skating partner."

"We can go next week."

"Or we can double date."

"I don't think Lauren would go for that..." Camila trails off, worrying at her bottom lip, because she'd had a hard enough time trying to get her to agree to go in the first place.

She'd had to be very persuasive.

"You'll never know if you don't ask her," Dinah replies sweetly, making her smile. "Ask her later."

"Oh, she's not coming tonight. She has a business dinner."

"Does that bother you?"

"No," Camila answers honestly because she'd meant what she said to Lauren on their first 'official' date – she understood that work had to come first, sometimes, and it's not like tonight is a particularly important event, either.

Lauren had told her to bring Leo along, though, and she's had him helping her to set everything up, explaining about lighting and order and placement of each and every piece, and he'd listened to her with wide eyes and rapt attention like it was the most fascinating thing he'd ever heard.

They'd snuck out for a half hour, leaving Camila's interns in charge, to go and get some ice cream, Leo catching her up on his week at school and his latest ideas for their comic strip, and Camila had listened just as intently.

It still surprises her, sometimes, how much she cares about him. She'd never imagined herself around kids because she was so spectacularly awful at it, but Leo... he makes her laugh and he makes her smile and he makes her proud (just last week he'd nervously handed her a painting, the first one he'd done by himself without any input from her, and it had been so, so beautiful and when he'd told her it was a present, that it was hers, she'd pulled him into a fierce hug and struggled not to cry), and she loves him, so much more than she ever thought she could.

"Things are still going well with you two, then?" Dinah asks with a knowing smile, and Camila's pretty sure that she'd just gotten that goofy (Sofi's words, not hers), smile on her face that always seemed to end up there whenever she let her thoughts wander towards her girlfriend and her son.

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