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So, it's been around two years, I think, since the last update. I'm sorry it took me so long to finish it but I had to do a lot of thinking. Mostly about myself. I took me a long time to figure out and come to terms that I'm trans but I'm finally there and happy. With that out of the way I think I'm going to start again with some new fics but I don't know how long it will take me to post. I'll probably start as soon as this one will be posted.

I wanted to say thank you to all of you who messaged me to check on me, it was very nice. Take care guys and hopefully I'll be seeing some of you back for the new fics.



Camila and Sofi come back from the grocery store on New Year's Eve with an armful of bags each, Camila barely managing to fumble open the front door using her elbow and push it wide enough to step through with her hip, the rush of warmth from the air inside making her skin tingle as she adjusts to the temperature.

She kicks off her boots as Sofi presses the door closed, and smiles when she hears the sound of her girlfriend's laughter echoing from the room beyond – she'd been reunited with Lauren after a four day break in which she'd returned to Jauregui Inc. just that morning, and not even her best pout and puppy dog eyes had gotten her out of leaving Lauren's side to go to the store.

Christmas last week had been a dream – she'd woken up with Lauren in her arms and an excitable Leo practically bouncing on the bed with joy, and it was the first time in years since there had been a child in the house on Christmas Day and it had made the whole day so much brighter.

Camila had managed to wrangle Lauren into a Christmas jumper (and Sofi, cackling as Lauren had stomped down the stairs grumbling about Camila making this up to her at a later date, had promptly snapped a picture and informed Lauren that she would use it as leverage should Lauren ever bring up any of the embarrassing baby photos scattered around the house), and they'd exchanged presents and eaten dinner and laughed and played games as a family (Lauren and Eliza had gotten along, much to Camila's relief – though she'd spent the entire day with bated breath, waiting for the other shoe to drop and one of them to snap something acerbic to the other), and all in all, Camila thinks that it's been one of the best holidays she's ever had.

She and Leo have spent more time together than ever before, and she falls more in love with him with every passing second, and she knows the same can be said for both Sinu and Sofi.

And both her sister and her mother are getting along swimmingly with Lauren, too (Camila swears that the next time Sinu is in Miami, she'll be spending more time with Lauren rather than Camila because the two of them get along like a house on fire and Camila has come downstairs on several occasions to find the two of them swapping stories over coffee and chuckling like old friends), and Camila doesn't think she's ever felt this happy in her life.

"Hey there, little cousin." Camila grins at the sound of Henry's voice, peering over the top of her brown paper bags to see his smiling face, sighing out thanks when he relieves her of one of the bags she's about to drop.

"Henry! You're back." He and Eliza, too restless for 'small town life', as they liked to call it, now that they're both hotshot journalists, had disappeared for a few days on a mini road trip around the nearby towns.

"We are. Got in about an hour ago." Camila follows him to the kitchen, where Sofi has already set down her bags and is stretching her arms over her head as Sinu hurries to begin packing them away, Leo sitting at the kitchen island and doodling idly in a notebook.

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