Some tiny details

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                        Trisha's POV

While getting ready for the school only one question was going inside my mind.

Was I ready for my first day? Well I had no answer to this question. I was dressed but my body didn't want to leave the room(I have my own room).

I did't know how I was gonna handle all this. It's not like I was bad at studies. I am straight A student. Good in extra curricular activities too. If you are thinking I am nerd so no I am not. I am good at academics but I knew how to do fun too. I loved to have best of both world. Hashtag Hannah Montana fan . I loved the character as a child, then Hannah grew up and became Miley. I love her too but Hannah was something different. Cool and sassy.

Okay enough about the show and now about me.

It's just when mom and dad adopted me, Amanda was the least happy and I don't blame her. I mean imagine being the only child for 12 years and suddenly bam congratulations you have a sister that also of your own age. Her disapproval was kinda normal. We both never had that sisterly bond. I tried but she didn't want it. Maybe this year would be different. One could hope, right?

So, our dad decided and please note Amanda insisted that I should go to a different school and I did until dad came up with the brilliant idea that we sisters should bond and should do last two years of our senior year together at the same school, Amanda's school.

Amanda was really not happy with that decision.You should have seen the look on Amanda's face when dad told us this. It was scary and me well I couldn't say no. I mean how could I? They had done so much for me and had been so nice to me. I just couldn't deny.

My train of thoughts came to a halt by my phone's ringing.

"Hyyyyyy!!!!," Screamed in a high pitched voice, my best friend Sarah. She is my best friend from my old school. She is a sweetheart.

I still remember my first day at school. A 12 year old Indian girl ready to be bullied.
Can't blame me for thinking like that. That's how they show high schools in shows and movies. So my fear was completely normal.

But instead I met Sarah and Sam. They were nice to me. They offered me seat at the cafeteria and since then our friendship grew.

Sam is still a little upset about this whole school changing scenario. I told them about this at the last day of school and he hasn't talked to me since then.

Sarah took it a little well. She said that she would miss me during the school hours but since we could meet after school, it's okay.
I went to Sam's house too but his mom said he wasn't home. I consoled myself thinking that he might have been with his girlfriend or with his team mates. But the truth was he was avoiding me most of the time. Yaa, he was a soccer player not only player but a very good player of the team. Crush of ever girl in the school.

Alas! his charm doesn't work on me and Sarah. We teased him for this a lot. I missed those days.

Okay back to the call.

Me : Hi! Good morning. You are chirpy today.

Sarah: Of course girl. It's our first day at school. New class, new things,maybe you meet someone at your new school. A hot boy perhaps.You should be excited too. I know it's hard but be strong.

(Told you she is a sweetheart) (I never had a boyfriend and Sarah has always encouraged me to look for options, I mean boys. She is too optimistic. I never met someone worth trying. It's not like I have seen so much but yaa not in my old school at least).

Me: Seriously Sarah? We haven't even started school and you are talking about boys. Let's focus on my survival first. And yes I will try my best to be chirpy like you. Best of luck to you too and give my wishes and love to Sam too .

Sarah: He still hasn't talked to you. He is being a jerk now. I will knock some sense in his mind today.

Me: Nope! To talk, the other person has to answer the phone. I even went to his house but he wasn't there and don't do something like that. Let's hope he comes around.

Sarah: Oh he will come around. He doesn't have any other options. Don't worry. You know him and his stubborn ass.

Me: (laughing) ya I know. Okay so listen I will call you after school. I have to eat my breakfast and then leave for the school. Okay bye and I love you.

Sarah: Bye. I love you too and impress all the teachers there too like you did here and try to impress the boys too

Me: Hahahahahahah okay. You are not gonna drop it.

After ending the call I completed all my chores, put my books and note books in my bags and went downstairs to have breakfast.

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