Chapter 3

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When Brittany walked in she had a huge smile on her face from eye to eye. She was freaking me out. She wouldn't even move. "Hello, are you paralyzed or something. Can I shower." No," Brittany demanded still with a huge smile on her face. "Can you stop smiling at me like that at me, it's kind of giving me the creeps, and can you untie me from the bed. It's really uncomfortable." She came closer, and closer, and closer to the point were she was hovering over me. "Back up," I said sounding angry and annoyed. No answer. "You don't like to talk, do you?" She grabbed me by my wrist and dragged me down the stairs and into the bathroom, she through me into the shower, and said, "you have 5 minutes to shower or I'm coming in and dragging you back upstairs by your hair into the room without any cloths or blankets to keep you warm. Do you understand." "Yes," I mumbled to myself. What was that," Brittany said sassily. I yelled and said, "I got that." She left the bathroom, and I showered as fast as I have ever showered in my life. I got out, put my cloths on and she was standing right at the door. "You're lucky. Get upstairs to the room right now or I will drag you by the hair," Brittany demanded. When we got upstairs to the room I could hear all the locks lock the door. I think I heard 5 locks. There was no hope. I knew at that moment I wasn't ever going to get out of here alive. I wrote a letter to my mom telling her that she was going to have to live life without me and that I lived her so very much. "Hey you, can you somehow get this to my mom. It's important." "No. Why would I do that? That would just lead them right to this house and to me," yelled Brittany. "No it won't, it doesn't have anything about you or this house in the letter. I promise. I just want my mom to know that I'm going to die and that I loved her. Please I'm begging you." "No  that is my final answer," yelled Brittany. "Fine but if I make it out of here alive I'm going to find you and get ride of you once and for all." "Hahaha. You're so funny. You will never get ride of me or this house. You will never find us again," Brittany said laughing her head off. But not in a good way, it sounded kind of evil. I didn't like this. "I just want out of here, I promise I won't tell anyone about you or the house." "I will never let you out. You have seen this place. You will tell everyone. I'm going to kill you very slowly and make it painful," Brittany said sounding really evil and sketchy. Your cruel, I said in my head. Brittany left and I felt kind of free because she wasn't in the room to torture me or to just watch me. A couple hours went by, and I was getting hungry. I didn't say anything though. I just hoped that she would feed me soon. A couple more hours went by and now I was starving. "Can you bring me some food, I'm starving." No answer so I said it again. Still no answer so I just gave up. Like 30 minutes later she brought me food. The plate had 3 carrots, 1 rib, and 3 mushrooms and a glass half way full of water. It wasn't much but I was starving and really thirsty so I enjoyed it. I was still pretty hungry but I knew that she wouldn't give me any more food. What I got was all I got for the whole day. If I was lucky she would give me an extra piece of meat, but that was like once a week. Unless I misbehaved, if I misbehaved I wouldn't get any food for the whole day and she would tie me to the bed and start to hit me really hard. I hated misbehaving. It was time to sleep, but this time she wasn't in the room staring at me. In the morning when I woke up she was there, but this time there was someone else with her. I couldn't see who or what it was. Whoever or whatever it was was hiding in the shade. "Hello. Who are you. What do you want." "He is my friend." Brittany said. Ohh no I was in big trouble. That meant that there was another one of them to hurt and torture me. "I thought you were the only one in this house." "No there is a lot of us in here," Brittany said with the huge smile on her face again. "What is his name?" "I can't tell you. It's a secret," he said. "Why is it a secret and why are you hiding?" "So that if you manage to get out alive you won't know what I look like." It felt like I was in there for ever. Now I didn't know what was day, what was night. I didn't even know what Time of day it was anymore. They left the room and I felt peaceful. A couple hours later they came back in, this time they brought in a knife, a rag for my mouth, and a whole bunch of tools. I was so scared, I screamed. They told me to keep it down and it won't hurt a bit. I didn't believe them for one second, but I didn't have a choice. It was this or this and a punishment, with less food so I listened to them. They tied me to the bed, put the rag in my mouth, and cut me open with the knife. I tried to hold in my scream, they put what I think was a tracking device. They sewed me up, took the rag out of my mouth and said, "good girl." I felt a little proud. That meant that I wasn't going to get a punishment and I had a chance to get extra meat. They left the room, and I screamed into the pillow in pain. I've never felt this much pain. I felt as if I had just fell on a row of spikes and someone came and pulled me off.

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