Chapter 17

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Today we weren't allowed out the dorms. Aizawa came to the front but didn't enter. We all stood infront of the doors and listened to what he had to say.

"Class, for the next 2 weeks you will be inside your dorms. The school would like to conduct and experiment and all you students are the test subjects" Aizawa told us. Everyone just glanced around.

"No leaving the dorms at all, not even to sit outside the doors. You will be supplied with crafts, food, snacks, anything to make your 2 weeks more comfortable."

No one liked the sound of this. I could feel a gaze upon me and when I looked it was Todoroki, an unreadable expression on his face. I looked down and away from him as fast as I could.

As Aizawa explained why this was happening I could feel Todoroki slowly scooting closer to me. Luckily Bakugou realized it too and positioned himself between me and the boy. I wrapped both my arms around his right arm and held tight.

Finally Aizawa was done talking and we were dismissed to go inside. "Wolf, Bakugou. Wait for a moment, I'd like to speak to you privately." Aizawa said to us, we stopped and turned to look at him.

In a hushed tone he said to us, "I understand the situation you guys have gotten yourself into so if anything happens here's my number." He handed me a piece of paper and walked off. Before going inside we put the number in our phones. Bakugou stuffed the paper in his pocket.

We walked inside and it was a huge commotion. Everyone was talking at once. Our class representatives were trying to talk but no one would listen. I froze time so just me and Bakugou could walk around. We positioned everyone in a line with Iida and Yaoyorozu infront of them on a table.

I unfroze time and Bakugou let off an explosion to capture everyone's attention. They all silenced and looked ahead at the speakers.

Together they all came up with a plan to keep us all from hating eachother by the end of this. We'll all have set chores, we'll all eat dinner together at a table and have a group discussion, get to know eachother more in depth.

Once our discussion was over I looked at everyone and said, "well atleast we don't have to wear a uniform for the next 2 weeks while doing online work" I smiled and so did they.

(Author note: idk if you guys wear uniforms at ur school but I do at mine and I absolutely hate it)

We all scattered for the time being. Most going to their rooms, some remained in the common area. The worse part was Todoroki was no where in sight.

I hung around the usual. Kirishima, Kaminari, Sero, Mina, and Bakugou. They all acted a fool while I sat in thought. I was so outta focus that it took Sero shooting tape at me to bring me back to the world.

"Capture Maria!!" Mina screamed and pointed at me. The whole group got a devilish look on their faces and I knew I needed to run. I jumped over the back of the couch, preparing. I was about to become hunted prey.

They all quietly devised a plan to get me. "I'll play your game on one condition! Only Sero gets to use his quirk and that when you guys catch me." I made my claim and they just nodded.

Then it began. They ran at me Kirishima and Mina running around the left side of the couch, Kaminari on the left, Bakugou in the middle. I tried to turn around and run but Mina was there already, Kirishima and Kaminari we're closing in on me at the sides. Bakugou jumped at me and I took that as my opportunity to get away. As he jumped down on me I tuned between his legs and over the couch.

I rolled across the table and landed on the other couch. I jumped over that one and stared at everyone. "Your gonna die!!" Bakugou yelled. I knew I was in deep shit now.

For the next 20 minutes they proceeded to chase me around the common area. It got to the point everyone came downstairs to watch out little game of chase.

Finally they cornered me and Sero wrapped me up in tape. That wasn't going to stop me though. I began to hop away from everyone quickly. "Oh no you don't" Bakugou said and grabbed me, lifting me off the ground so I couldn't get away.

I was looking directly into his eyes. I could feel the rest of the world fading away. I knew I was catching feelings. We leaned in, our lips nearly touching.

"FIRE!!" Iida yelled from the kitchen. Bakugou quickly set me down and ran over to the kitchen to help put everything out. Mina used her acid to melt the tape off me. It got through the tape and burned my clothes to the point they were nearly falling off.

The worse part was I couldn't go up and get new clothes until the fire was out.

While the boys did that the girls formed a circle around me so no one could see anything. "Maria I'm really sorry, I was just panicking and-" Mina was explaining but I just laughed. "Mina it's fine, I understand"

Once the fire was out the boys noticed our circle and became extremely curious. "Wait- where's Maria?" Midoriya pointed out. Then at that point the boys realized what must have happened.

The pervs tried to get a look while the others held them back. Kaminari, Sero, Mineta, all practically drooling on themselves to see. Bakugou pushes himself in the middle of the circle with me and saw how bad it was.

Just a few pieces of cloth covering my chest area and around my waist. "Wow, Mina really fucked you up." He laughed at me. I rolled my eyes. I was sitting on the ground, my legs in the "W" position, trying to hide as much as I could.

Bakugou took off his shirt and threw it at me. I quickly put it on. The best part was it was super baggy on me. He walked me up to our room and left so I could get changed.

This day wasn't going as expected.

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