A Little Bit of Backstory

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Your name is (Y/N), You are going to be a second year going to Cherryton Academy. Your life seemed to be normal, for the most part. However, there was one thing that made you a bit different then everyone else, well, a lot different that is.

You are blind. Not only that, you don't have eyes in general. There was a freak accident or something that you were never really told about. Every time you brought up the question it seemed like your parents were uncomfortable, you got extremely good at telling the vibes of people and rooms. 

Speaking of parents, (M/N) and (F/N) were a loving and beautiful family that had only one child, you. When they had you they expected everything was normal, it is hard to tell if a child has a problem with their eyes, or lack thereof, until they open their eyes. When you open your eyelids and showed the holes where your eyes should have been, it shocked them, to say the least.

This didn't put a damper on their love for you, it just changed it. This was a new experience for them in two aspects, having a child and having a blind child. Since then they have fueled as much money as they could spare into finding a way to give you sight. So far, they have invented some sort of special sole to your shoes that help sense vibrations around you by enhancing them. That, and your hearing, make for a convenient way to know where people are. 

Through all your years you've learned really well how to handle yourself in the world. After lots of shaky beginner years you've been able to get used to your surroundings and how to deal with them, you were even able to sew clothing with enough practice. That is, until your parents made the decision to send you to Cherryton. While you were surprised by the decision, okay let's be honest this completely shocked you. 

"Why do I have to go!? I'm only used to the surroundings around here and at school! How do you expect me to make it in a new environment!?" You ask, completely confused by their decision. You weren't only scared for new terrain, but also how new people would react to you. People left you alone here, they didn't bother you. Granted they never invited you anywhere and you had only a few acquaintances to speak of, but that isn't the point!  

"Sweetie, we know, but you are going to have to get used to going other places and not having us to help you. Besides, if you go somewhere else you can make some new friends! The people at this school will treat you better. We can't be with you your entire life, you have to become a little more independent." your mother said, placing a hand on your shoulder. "All were asking is that you give it a chance. If you can't make it in a year we will bring you back here."

You go silent for a bit, thinking. You don't know what's going to happen. Maybe you can do this, maybe you can have a normal life. Well, about as normal as someone without eyes in a mysterious area. "...Fine, but if I can't do it then I will be back."

And so, you were admitted into Cherryton, the only one that was blind to the horrors the world had to offer.

Some things to consider:

(Y/N): Your Name (Obviously)

(M/N): Mothers Name

(F/N): Fathers Name

(H/C): Hair Color

(H/L): Hair Length

(F/C): Favorite Color (Because I care)

More of these will come, when the time arises. 

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