8. 🔪

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Amelia- Rose ~

"AND MAKE SURE YOU TRY OUT PLENTY OF FISH!" Was the last word Jess shouted out before I slammed my door, entering the house

How many times do I have to remind these bitches that I live in a white neighbourhood and I'm not trying to get kicked out because I have two friends that can't act right!

We only intended to stay out in the sunshine just for brunch, but that slowly turned into a whole damn shopping spree, starting of with Jess wanted unnecessary shit and then me and Ivy saw things that caught our eyes as well and I was like "We might as well shop till we drop.....".

I dragged myself upstairs into my bedroom, flinging my bags god knows where in the room. I saw my bed and I just wanted to wrap myself within my soft sheets.......but I obviously couldn't do that- I've been out the whole day.

I scurried along into the bathroom with my towel and rinsed the dirt of my Skin with the hot water dancing all over my skin as I put on some mellow Jhene Aiko music on to sooth my mind.

It was only ten at night and it was too early for me to go to bed and I had no reason to go to sleep early as I wasn't working tomorrow. A smile
Lept upon my face as I walked towards my bed, removing the duvet of slightly of the mattress and jumping right into my bed.

Half an hour in, I should be asleep, right?........yeah, I was tossing and turning and with my eyes wide open. I wasn't getting any type of sleep soon enough as I watched the time tick ever so slowly, so I went to go and fetch for my laptop.

My mind went back to when Jess reminded me about this dating app...aw yes plenty of fish, how could I forget. In all actuality, I don't need a man and if I did need one, it's only because my coochie is dry and me and my fingers are getting tired of the same orgasmic feeling I receive each time- I need dick!.......But for Jess and for my sake to bore myself so I could get some sleep, I'll sign up.

The bright screen lit up in my face, searching for the link as I typed away my information, but not too much to make myself look desperate and also, I wanna be mysterious in a way.

Minutes later I was swiping left or right to find my match and I was literally fed the fuck up on the same amount of dudes that were coming up on my screen. They either looked like they were too full of themselves or boring as hell. I shouldn't really judge just by the picture they put up, but you're on this app to find somebody right?, you wanna give it your best shot.

"Light skins after light skins......" I sighed in frustration. Why do they all have to look pretty man, like they look more of women than I do. Although there was one I did stumble on. He had green eyes (show me some light skin boys that have brown eyes!), but his tattoos and piercings made up for it, but to be honest, he doesn't even look like he'll go for black girls....moving on.

Not a single dark skin boy on here- like where they at?

If I wanted a sugar daddy, than the hell I would swipe to the right with the quickness....but I had thoughts of Jess stealing him like the flash of lightening and Ivy laughing and Jo hyping me the fuck up. Soon the sugar daddies turned into daddies and they looked like they could be my superman- like literally, superman. I felt a tingle in my lady parts at the black thick glasses that sat nicely on the bridge of their nose, with the handsome smiles upon its chiselled faces, I already knew they were looking chiselled underneath as well.

"Hmm......" my eyes widened at the blonde beauty that graced my computer screen

He went by the name George Stevenson as he was positioned in his kitchen with the nicely cleaned sink and the cream tiles that complimented his tannish skin tone. He had a blue multi-coloured beach shirt that was unbuttoned, teasing his ripped abs and the tattoos sprawled out on his chest and muscular arms. George has the thick glasses of course...wearing a chirpy smile on his face.

You would think George was a model or even a teacher of course, but then I saw that he was construction worker, it kind of did make sense- can't be weak handling big equipment on the scaffolding sites. It also read that he was 28 and wanting to settle down soon. I wasn't thinking about settling down, since I've just come out of art school (More like dropped out)- I don't want to waste his time, but I'll never know, he could be the one.

I hovered my arrow across the laptop screen wondering if I should click right or just to leave it. "Hmm.....what to do....."

I clicked anyways, shrugging my shoulders but soon my mood enlightened as I saw George accepting, making us a match.

"Okay then" my eyes lit up. His speech bubbles soon appeared on the screen, as he started to type

'So it looked like we've matched' he typed, causing me to roll my eyes as he stated the obvious

"I hope this isn't a dumb nigga I just matched with..." I sighed to myself

'Looks like it.......' I typed back

Sorry about that, I had to finish the chapter there. I was going to include a short conversation between the two, but I couldn't think of anything.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and don't forget to comment and vote😊

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