23. 🔪

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Amelia- Rose ~

I sat waiting at the assigned tables that Alex booked. I was not riding in the car with him not for personal reasons but I'm just a sort of person that likes to be high alert, just in case shit turns left.

I had a few pre-drinks but not a lot though- I was not trying to make a fool out of myself.

While waiting, I pulled out a small sketch pad and started finishing the tattoo drawing one of my clients sent into me earlier. It was a dolls head- I found it really weird as first because the customer was giving me a lot of ideas for the tattoo, so anything that came as close to what she was talking about, had to be exactly that. And I never disappoint my clients.

I felt a slight tap on my bare tattooed shoulder and I looked up to see Alex smiling brightly at me. I'm not going to lie but I love what he was wearing- he had a similar edge to George when it came to meshing with fashion: formal unbuttoned dress shirt with a pair of ripped jeans. I don't know, but I could tell the shredded jeans was his best pair and I couldn't disagree if they were because I kind of liked them.

"Hey" I stopped my drawing immediately as I slowly started to rise up from my seat and return the same smile back

Alex was giving me that same weird blue eyes stare and I really just wanted to run away and go home as if this date never happened. That one weird ass stare he always had just didn't sit right with me and I hated that he kept on doing it.

Luckily he caught himself out by clearing out his throat and reverting his eyes back were they were supposed to be in the first place.

"Uh....I Uh- y-you...you look really nice Amelia....." he finally chocked out as I playfully rolled my eyes.

Well I did try not to overdress myself a little bit. Jess was all here for it when I told her I was going on another date. She didn't even need a picture to show her how "fine" she thought Alex was, the description was enough and here I am in a black mini dress.

"Well thank you, you don't look too bad yourself" I smiled, meaning every single word that I meant- he looked good

Alex must've came around to my seat and I think he was trying to push my chair in but I stopped him as there was no need for him to do so. All I did was slowly raise up from my chair, it wasn't even pushed out that far, but I think it's just the gentleman in him- so he says.

"So what are you ordering?" I spoke up first as we both had the menu in front of us

Hmm....they had some real fancy dancy food up in here, but I'm trying to eat something that would fill me up, not because it's looks pretty on a plate. I'm usually a type of person that loves to eat a good meal, not trying to starve myself because a good looking man is in front of me.

To be honest, I think the roles are going to be pretty switched when it comes to eating. Alex just looks so shy around me and he might fuck around and order a salad or something.

"Er...I'm not really sure to be honest- you have any ideas?" Alex asked

"Hmm....well there is this shrimp special I might get with the side of fried rice with-" I looked up from the menu to see Alex making that weird look again "too much of a fat bitch?......." I questioned as he shook his head 'no'

The waiter arrived to our table and was going to take our order. I decided to give it a few minutes more to order a main as we both ordered drinks and for me a starter.

"Now where has all your confidence gone?" I asked leaning back on my chair slightly

"What do you mean?" He asked

"You came into my work place, knowing exactly what you wanted and you got it..." I moved my shoulder, showing a smile

"Oh...." he must've realised "I'm not trying to sound cringey, but seeing you got me all chocked up, like I don't know what to say- you just look really nice...." now his blue eyes were lingering around my chest area and I did not feel uncomfortable at all

"Tell me more about the drawings that you do?" I changed the conversation "how long have you've been drawing for- if this works out, I wanna get to see your drawings some time" I was being full on

"I usually draw from inspirations....what's been on my mind. I've been drawing since I was little and yeah you can see some of my drawings...." he answered all three of my questions smoothly- see this is the type of energy that I wanted from him, not the shy type

"Tell me a little bit about you...Rose-" I cocked my brow at the shortening of my name he decided to you

"It's Rose now?" I questioned, leaning further with my elbows now on the table

"Always will be......if this works out....." he muttered the last part "but for real, tell me how long you've been drawing for, what made you interested into going into the tattoo industry?"

"Well....." I looked into his blue eyes intensely "....I've been drawing since I was little myself and developed the skill obviously. After high school I went to a college art school and studied fine art- yeah I got sick of that shit, dropped out and decided to move to L.A a year ago to pursue my tattoo career. Just a few training months and I was good to go. Plus even before I would do tattoos on myself and on other people....you see this one right here-" I showed him the visible writings and symbols that I tattooed onto my left arm myself

"You did that yourself?...." he gripped slightly onto my arm as he slowly took in the art

"Yep- inking myself is such an addiction for me" I admitted

Yep and I ran out of ideas- but don't forget to vote and comment😊

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