Chapter 1

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I awoke to my alarm clock blaring into my ear. I slammed my hand down onto the clock, making the loud scream come to a stop. I laid in bed, looking at the ceiling, it's a new start, I thought to myself. Just get the first day over with. After giving myself a good stretch, I shot myself up out of bed, looking at the snoring hyaena on the top bunk.


A week before I started school at Cherryton Academy, I was given a dorm room, two uniforms, and a roommate. When I had met Niko, she hadn't really payed all that much attention to me. When I had entered the room, she was sitting on the top bunk. While I walked in and set my stuff on the floor, I could feel her dark eyes burning into my back. I sighed with regret, before turning around with a smile plastered on my face." Hello!" I said enthusiastically"my name is Emi." I put my hand out, so she would hopefully shake it. She didn't budge. She looked at my hand, rolled her eyes, and jumped down from the top bunk.

"Let's get one thing clear." She said with a low growl in her throat." We might be roommates, but that doesn't mean we're gonna be buddies." She took a step closer to me, I could practically feel the hatred she had for me." Wolfs have a bad image here in the big city, so take my advice. Don't try and be anyone's friend, lay low, you'll do just fine." My ears dropped down. Ouch. I looked her in her dark eyes and gave her another smile"I'm sorry if I offended you in anyway, I'm just here to go to school, and get this year over with." I said in the most polite way.

She gave me a slight snarl while looking me up and down." I've never seen your kind here before, so you best be extra careful. You'll get eaten alive in the halls if you don't stick to yourself." She said with a small laugh. She turned around to walk out the room, and continued on with her day.

Relief washed over me. Maybe she's right, I should just lay low, I thought to myself as I went to unpack my stuff. This is going to be a long year.


I'm an arctic wolf, a very interesting looking wolf at that. I've got nice white fur(which I am extremely proud of) and dark black eyes. But I'm a lot smaller then most wolves. I was the runt of my siblings, my brother and sister always teased me for how small I was, but I knew it was just sibling play.

When I had applied here, many of the first years were there for orientation. When I had walked through the doors of the school, most eyes were on me. Of course this made me uncomfortable, but I was used to it. One of the second/third year students that was there helping first year students, had told me I was the first of my kind to come to this academy. Which had made me even more out of place. The large tiger gave a laugh, and nudged my arm." Don't worry kid, I'm sure you'll make lots of new friends, considering you're new, and the first of your kind to be here." I gave him a small smile." Thanks, but I think I'm just going to stay  a lone wolf for a while." He frowned, I kind of felt bad." Well how can you be a lone wolf when you've already made a friend?" I rolled my eyes and gave a small laugh.

Like I said before, this was going to be a very long year.

AU: Hii!! I'm sorry if that was too short, I'm trying to make the chapters as long as possible. I'm going to try and post new chapter once or twice a week, but for now enjoy this!!

Published: 5/9/20

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