Chapter 2

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First day here at Cherryton Academy has gone well so far. But lunch however, hasn't gone too well. The tiger told me he was going to show me around school today, but he was nowhere to be seen. So, I took it upon myself to get myself around

Finding the cafeteria wasn't hard at all, but trying to find a seat in the cafeteria was the hard part. When I got my food and turned around, the first few tables I passed gave me stares. Which I obviously didn't mind. I started to get nervous as I continued to walk through the cafeteria." Emi!" I heard a familiar voice roar out. My ears perked up a bit, as I saw the tiger wave me over to his table. I made my way over to the table as fast as I could." Where were you today?" I asked as I sat down." Haha I'm sorry for ditching you today" he said with a nervous smile." I had a drama club meeting today, I couldn't miss it." His ears twitched nervously. Why is he acting so nervous? I thought to myself.

"So, I never really caught your name at orientation." I said slightly embarrassed." Oh, it's Bill." He put his hand out with a smile. For some reason, every time he smiles, it makes me feel even more welcomed. And in a way, he seems to light up the room with that big smile of his. I took his large hand into mine." Emi, as you already, somehow know?" He rubbed the back of his head." I might've, looked up your student I.D after we met."

"Wow Bill, creepy much?" A sheep across from us said." Shut up Pina, I only looked her up because I didn't catch her name that day!" Bill said embarrassed." Sure you did, or maybe it's because she's new meat." Pina said with a laugh. I giggled with him." Pina, I said shut up!" I looked to my right, seeing Bill was ready to pounce

Before Bill was able to do anything, there was a loud altercation at the lunch line.

"You bastard, what's the deal?!" A hyaena yells out." You know you've been stepping on my tail this whole time right!?"

"I said I was sorry what more do you want?" A fox said back.

I looked over with my ears straight up. This looks like it's going to escalate very quickly.

"But you laughed when you said it, like the whole thing was funny you damn fox!" The hyaena snapped back.

"Look at all those lines on your face, a little too much stress?" The fox said with a snarky smirk.

The next thing you know, the hyaena clamped down on the fox's arm. Everyone screamed. Everyone was so frozen in place, not knowing what to do." Damnit!" The fox cried out." Did you just bite me?!" He threw the hyaena off of him and to the ground. Even I was shocked at what was happening. Someone needs to do something I thought to myself.

I went to get up to stop them, but was instantly pulled to my seat. I looked at bill who had a stern expression" you're gonna sit this one out pretty lady." My ears dropped as I looked back over to the scene." Do you know what's gonna happen now?!" The fox yelled out again." Let go!" "Shut up!" The hyaena muffled out as he bit harder.

"Please Bill, let me do something!" I cried out." If you try and break them up, they'll tear you up. You're staying out of it."

"Enough!" A voice boomed out.

Everyone's heads shot towards the voice. My eyes peeled over at a tall, grey, wolf. My ears twitched at the sight of him." Oh legosi, what the hell are you doing..." Bill mumbled to himself. Legosi huh, what an interesting name, I thought. The two animals stopped fighting, everyone was quiet. Even the wolf was taken back by what he said.

"Who are you yelling at?" The fox said with a glare." Do you think you can beat me just cuz you're bigger?"

"N-no way" Legosi said, putting his hands up in defense." You got it all wrong."

"I got it all wrong, huh? Give me your neck, I'll bite into it nice and gently" the fox said with a crazed look. Legosi looked like he was thinking hard at what he was supposed to do, he didn't know what to do.

"Oh come on, being a carnivore isn't so easy either."

Behind Legosi, was a tall slim deer. He wasn't to bad looking either.

With Bills hand still on my shoulder, he slightly irritated me. But I kept my cool." Bill, this is getting weird. I think I'm just gonna go to my next class early." I said as I grabbed my lunch sack." Well hey, you should join the drama club!" He said excitedly. You can meet new friends and have a good time." I shifted uncomfortably in my seat." I don't know, Bill. I've never been in a club before, and I've never acted a day in my life."

"Please! There's another wolf in the club, you two would be good friends." I chuckled. There's that big ass smile again. Bill has been super sweet, and even if I join, I'll have a friend. I looked up at Bill and gave him a smile." I'll go for one day and see how I'll like it, but I'm not promising I'll stay." Bill returned a smile." That's all I needed to hear."

Published: 5/9/20

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