Chapter 5

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How am I supposed to keep him in my sight at least 90% of the time? Especially without him noticing that I'm practically stalking him. Wow that actually sounds pretty bad. Maybe I didn't think this all the way through. At least I caught his eye. He's taken an interest in me, and now knows who I am. That's good at least, right?

After drama club was over, it felt like more weight was added onto my shoulders. Now that I know Legosi is in the drama club, I might as well stay in the club. It's the best way to observe him, in the most nonchalant way possible. Now that I know Legosi didn't kill Tem, I still need to know why he attacked that small bunny yesterday. As I was walking down the hallway, trying to remember where my next class was, I smelt that smell again. I turned down the hall, and there he was, leaning against the wall with his head down.

"Legosi" I heard Kibi call out. As quickly as I could, I hid myself." Sorry about earlier, I was waiting for you to come back."

"Hey, why did you leave me like that?" Legosi replied. I peered around the corner, to see them now facing each other.

"Never mind that, did anything happen?" Kibi asked with a whisper, yet eagerly.

"Hm? Of course not, not really.."He was hiding something, I can tell.

They turned to walk down the hall to my direction. Shit, where to hide, where to hide! I looked over to see an empty classroom. I slipped through one of the doors, and hid behind it." I see, well that's a relief. You were jumping down four steps at a time, so I thought something bad happened." Kibi said nervously.

I knew he was hiding something! What could've possibly happened between him and the garden club?

"Something bad, like what?" Legosi replied. Out of nowhere, was a loud thud. What the hell is going on out there?!" Apparently, this is a pretty well known rumor among the herbivores. The talk around school, is that she's really promiscuous." She who Kibi, say a damn name!" And has been with a lot of guys. Basically, she's a slut. She's trouble, so stay away. Pretty disappointing, right? I mean she looks so innocent, but I guess she would never attempt to seduce a wolf. So did you get those roses?"

Kibi god damnit, you're no help! Who was this damn girl? Kibi said something, that the rumor being amongst the herbivores. So does this mean, a herbivore, maybe has tried to seduce Legosi? That's so weird! There was a small burning sensation in the pit of my stomach. What's this feeling? I pushed the feeling down as best as I could. I need to get close to him soon.

As soon as possible.


Yet again, I stayed a couple hours after school. I really need to stop risking myself like that. For hours I've been over using my brain, thinking too much about, you know who. I decided before I go back to my dorm, I would take some time outside.

I decided I would go to the field on the side of the school. Even though I would love to go to the fountain, I want to explore. It was a really beautiful day today, and yet again, it made me miss home. Made me miss my friends, family, everyone. As I walked, I looked over to my right. And to my surprise, Legosi was sitting at a bench. It caught me off guard, actually. He was lost in thought, he wasn't doing anything, he was just thinking to himself. He looked kind of stressed. But I decided to walk over and talk to him, you know, to try and get closer to him.

Honestly, I'm nervous to even talk to him. But, I'm more nervous I'll say the wrong thing to him. That I'll scare him. Keep your cool Emi. As I started to approach him, something seemed off. He didn't smell like himself. He smelt of something more." Hello!" I said with a smile as I approached him. He looked at me surprised." I'm Emi, I just joined the drama club?" He nodded." Yeah, I remember you. W-what are you doing out this late? It's not good for carnivores to be out this late."

I gave him a laugh, and sat down next to him." Well, aren't you a carnivore?" I said with a giggle." I'll be fine, I can handle myself." He gave me another nod. What to say, think of something to say.

"So, what kind of wolf are you? If you don't mind me asking." He said nervously." I don't mind at all!" I said with another smile." I'm an arctic wolf. My species is smaller than most wolves, but I was the runt out of all my siblings. So I'm extra small."

"Oh, well that actually makes more sense. Your coat is all white, ever since I saw you I've been wanting to ask that" he said before looking down at his feet. I could tell something was wrong with him. Whatever happened today really upset him." What's wrong, Legosi?" I asked curiously." Is something the matter?"

"Oh, uh, it's nothing!" He said cautiously." Oh come on, don't lie to me. What's up with you? I know we only just met, but you can tell me anything, Legosi." He looked a bit shocked, but also a bit comfortable. My tail swayed in curiosity. Just tell me Legosi, you can trust me. He looked down at his feet again, before speaking up." It's nothing, really. Something, just caught me off guard today. I don't really know how to handle it, or how to really process it."

"Was it when you went to the garden club today?" I asked interrupting.

"Eh- how'd you know?" He asked, shooting his head towards me. I gave him a giggle." When I was trying to find my next class, I heard you and Kibi talking in the hall. About a herbivore who's supposedly a slut? I know something happened between you and one today." He was taken aback, he was pretty shocked." W-wait, please don't tell anyone! I promise the whole thing was just a misunderst-"

"Legosi, I'm not going to tell anyone." I said reassuringly. That same feeling from earlier came back, the light burning sensation. I took a deep breath, and let it out slowly." I promise, I'm not going to tell anyone."

He sighed in relief. He ran his hand over the top of his head." R-really, why? Most carnivores and herbivores are weirded out by something like that."

I grabbed his arm and looked up at him. His eyes were so pretty. The tan fur on his face followed all the way down to his neck. His ears twitched back and forth nervously. Just by the look in his eyes, I could tell that the mistake that he made the other night, made him feel completely, and utterly, guilty. I know that same feeling. The smell from earlier was still lingering on him, and it worried me. But I kept myself calm." I mean, if I'm going to be completely honest here, it only weirds me out a little bit. But just because it does, doesn't mean I'm going to go and tell everyone about it." He looked down at my hand questioningly. I removed it, and put my hand on my lap." You seem like an amazing wolf, a kind one at that. So, why would I want to ruin others views about you?"

There was a long silence. Of course I make things awkward." Well, th-thank you, Emi" he said stuttering." Legosi, I need to ask you something. And will you be honest?" I asked

"What is it?" He replied.

I was so nervous to ask, so worried for the response. How do I ask him, how do I ask without scaring him off? So, I'll just come right out and ask it.



Published: 5/12/20

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