chapter 53

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Chapter 53

Fravis' pov

"There's no way to escape now.", I said.

"I know.", she said then she stood up at the edge of the roof.

"Maybe, all of what he said are true. I do really want to kill him. I toyed him to do my job and take the time to do the job. I want to kill you too that night but I decided to leave you that way, I'd knew that you're arth's closed friends. Happy now?", She said in sarcastic tone. I put out my gun and point at her, "then do you still have to kill anyone, is that because of your 'job'? Non sense! But a killer is a killer, you can't change anything with that.", I said and I glared at her. "You're right I guess, so why you pull the trigger and kill me now. I have no time to escape though.", she said and looked at my eyes, glaring, but hers are full of disgust, fear, anxiety and anger.

Yume's pov

I tried to stop my tears to fall. He's about to pull the trigger until, "STOP!", But we are still eyeing at each other. "Stop that right now, do you hear me?", I still hear his words. "Dearth-kun, stay away from this. You don't know anything!", Fravis screamed to be heard by arth down the building. I can feel the cold breeze and the night up here but it could the last. My hair flows with the wind and I love the sensation. Surely, I love them. Just pull the trigger already so I could be out of this world and I'm so happy to met him. "what are you waiting for? Do it now, no one else can save me either. I rather be killed than going back to the world I want to escape from.", I said under my breath and closed my eyes. 'please, just do it, I'm begging you.'

"No! I won't allow it! Please stop right now.", Arth came but I didn't smile for I knew that he hated me too. Then, someone grabbed me behind and whispered into my ear, "I'm sorry.", until something like a needle struck me. Arth ran towards us, calling my name, and went all black.

Arth's pov

A man in Black suddenly appeared behind Yuri then something like a syringe on his hand against her neck. They jumped down the building then I looked down and they have disappeared. Someone pushed me aside then fravis got shot but the shooter ran away and i followed him. "Hold on right there!", I yelled but he disappeared.


I headed to the building. Lake pulled my arm to face me, "What happened to him? Come on, answer me!?", Lake almost yelled. "They want to kill me but fravis pushed me and got shot. This is all my fault. If I listened to him, this will never happened. I'm such an idiot and he always knew that. I need to do something.", I'm now filled with hatred. "I want to avenge him'

The next day, I commanded the troop and the police to give me all the informations to track them down. "Arth, we knew you're working so hard but you need to have a break, just a little while.", Lake asked but I replied with a "no.".

After a few days of work on plans, but fravis haven't woke up yet. I have to save her and avenge fravis no matter what.


Akira's pov

Just in time, "I'm sorry.", I whispered to her ear and pointing her neck with a syringe. Fiume-san lost her consciousness and i jumped down from the roof. "shit, I missed.", I heard him through the earphone. "Let's go back to the base.", I said. "Crap! He followed me!", He said. "Hurry!", I yelled.

I ran as fast I can and shyck have with me. I carried Fiume-san into my arms and she looks so pale. We reached the base and the doctors took her and headed to the emergency room. I heard her screams until something blasting from the inside. I went inside, to my shock, white walls tinted with blood,  the machines got blasted and unconscious people on the ground. I walked towards her, standing on a spot, her crimson red eyes are half lidded and looked at me emotionlessly, totally blank. "Fiume-san, it's okay.", a sudden strong wind struck me so I covered my face with my arms. It was strong enough to push me back. "Why did you do this to me. Why didn't you tell me everything? I almost killed my older brother and arth. What have I done?", Her tears flowing to her cheeks. It can't be, have she regained her memories? "What happening around here?", Kazuo came. Another gust of wind struck us, more powerful than before. I jumped over the strong wind then i poked another syringe on her nape and pressed the button until she lost consciousness. The wind stopped and carried her in my eyes. 'I'm sorry but I have to do it.', I thought. We moved to another room and some doctors came to check on her.

"Good job!", Kazuo grinned, "You did it very well, now get back to your room.". I glared at him. I don't want to lose her again,  I want be in touch with her and no one stands on my way.

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