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Minthe was a beautiful girl and everyone agreed. But ever since she got dumped, her attitude has gotten worse and she's become distant with a lot of people. She was sitting at her desk working on some papers when Hecate walked up to her "Boss man needs to see you. It's not pretty." She said before swiftly walking away. Minthe pinched the bridge of her nose as she walked into Hades office. "Sit down." Hades says, his eyes still glued to his paperwork. She pulls out a chair near his desk and calmly sits down. He looks up from his papers and places them on his desk. He clears his throat. "What the actual hell do you think you're doing?! I hired you because I thought you were a good worker but from what I've been hearing lately, apparently you're not." He pushes his glasses up. "Minthe, stop obsessing over me. We're not together anymore. I'm terribly sorry that you're jealous of us but you need to deal with it and for the love of Zeus please keep it out of my work environment." He shuffles through the papers that are on his desk. Minthe crosses her legs in her chair. "Hades, our relationship literally had no problems. We were gonna get engaged! We were fine and you left me for some no good goddess of spring!" She stands up. He slams the papers down. "I left you because you're manipulative as fuck Minthe! Just stop obsessing over me and leave me the hell alone!" He stands up too. "I'm not manipulative and I'm not fucking obsessed with you! No one cares about you and your girlfriend." She turns to leave. "From now on, you're just a worker and nothing more to me. Got it?" He runs a hand through his hair." "Got it." She says, looking at the floor." He sighs. "Our conversation is over. Get back to work. Shut the door on your way out." He says, sitting back down at his desk. She walked back to her desk and called her best friend, Thetis. "Hey bitch. What's up?" Thetis asked. "Hey whore. BIG problem. Hades called me into his office and said I'm manipulative and that I'm obsessed with him or something." Minthe says, working while she talks. "Honestly I'm saying this because I care for you but I think he's right Minthe. You are really manipulative and all you've talked about since the breakup is him and Persephone being together. Get over him bitch." Thetis says. "But I don't know how. Any ideas?" Minthe asked as she spun around in her chair. Minthe could hear Thetis giggling on the other end. "Do you still have Hades pics?" Thetis asked. "Yeah, why?" Minthe replied, clueless to what her friend is gonna plan. "Perfect. I'll meet you in your house in an hour." Thetis said, hanging up. Minthe hung up and put her phone on her desk. "Let's make a goddess cry." She said, grinning.

                         To be continued......

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