Chapter 6: Fourth Of July

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3 Years Later....

Mila POV

Since camping Christian and I have done more than just stay in touch we actually started dating. We lived in Los Angeles together in a cute apartment. Christian's career has really been taking off and I couldn't be anymore happy for him. Tonight Christian and I were having some family and friends over to celebrate the fourth of July. I know it's silly for an English guy to throw a party to celebrate the USA, but I love the Fourth of July so he was ready to celebrate.

We had our backyard all set with tables and chairs, and everything decked out in red white and blue. I was wearing a super cute red bikini and when I came downstairs Christian was wearing his hideous orange swim trunks.

"Christian Nooo" I said once I came down the stairs and saw him in the swim trunks

"Love these are hot" Christian relplied goofily

"Can you please just wear the red ones" I said putting on my best puppy dog face

"Ohhh I see you want to match me" Christian said smiling as he went back to the room to change

Ocne all of our friends and family arrived and everyone was having a good time. Christian was grilling and we were just having a really good time overall. I was sitting by the pool and Christian came up and threw me over his shoulder. At that very moment I knew he was going to throw me into the pool.

"CHRISTIAN PUT ME DOWN" I screamed begging him and then he threw me into the pool. I knew I had to get back at him but I was to weak to push him in so I played the wimp card

"Chistian my ear" I cried out as I swam to the edge of the pool

"What's wrong?" Christian said leaning down, and then I grabbed him and pulled him in

"Oh bloody hell" Christian said as he came out of the water

I then grabbed my legs around his waist and kissed him and we both laughed and swam in the pool for a little.

Once we got out of the pool we had a small fire and we made smores and played some games. Chistian was one of the first ones out in the game of spoons so he went over and made smores with the kids. I was ofcourse killing it in spoons, I looked over and I saw Christian with the kids. He was doing so well with them and my niece Ava was just clinging to him and he loved every second of it.Christian and I had never talked about having kids or starting a family together but I know he is going to be an amazing dad one day.

We had a great rest of the night. We all sat around the fire. We set off some fireworks of our own and then we went down the park to watch a firework show. Once we were all down there we set up our blankets and watched the fireworks. It was such a great night and it had finally come to an end.

Once Christian and I returned to the house we realized how much we had to clean up and we dreaded it. We stood there and marveled at the amount of stuff we had to clean up.

"I think we should just get drunk and worry about this tomorrow" Christian said holding up two bottles of vodka

I looked at Christian with a raised eyebrow and laughed and it ended in us going shot for shot with each other. Of course I lost Christian is way bigger than me but we were both drunk as hell. We sat squished together on a small lawn chair looking at the stars talking about anything and everything.

"Do you want kids?" I asked avoiding eye contact because I didn't know how he would reply

"Yes eventually" he answered "Do you ever want to get married?" He asked

"Yes of course I do" I answered with all confidence

"Would you ever marry me?" Christian asked

I paused because I was confused by the question because why wouldn't I want to marry him

"Ummm... Yes of course I want to marry you Christian" I replied back

"Then let's get married"

"Christian you are drunk lets go to bed" I said as I leaned up to go to bed

"No really Marry me"

"Goodnight Christian" I said going up the stairs because I knew how drunk he was and I wasn't about to say yes and him not even remember in the morning

Once I got upstairs I showered and got changed. I was way too tired and way too drunk I could barely stand. I walked into the bedroom and I saw a half naked Christian laying on the bed passed out. I got into bed and put a blanket over the two of us and started to go to sleep.

I couldn't help to think if he really wants to marry me now or if it was just drunk talk. But they do say drunk talk is sober thoughts so I guess we will find out sooner or later

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