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My head was pounding incessantly. Why, I drank so much last night, I may never know. I'm sure it was for a good reason. I tried painfully to recall yesterdays excursions, with no luck. I rubbed my eyes and blinked. Light was blinding, and my horrible vision didn't help. I squinted in search of my glasses, but to no avail. 


Wait, wait, wait....

My carpet is not green.

I was in someone else's room.

It suddenly dawned on me that I was also naked.

"Oh, c'mon, you've got to be kidding me."

Memories of sweat, kissing and moaning filled my mind. I turned back to the sleeping person with which whom I bedded. 

There he lay, peacefully asleep, with that ever living smirk on his face. 

"Oh, God what have I done..."

He hummed, and blinked slowly.

"Oh, shite, sorry didn't mean to wake you." I whispered. 

I frantically searched the room for my clothes. "I'll just go..."


I paused, screwing my eyes shut. "Yes?"

"Would you like a cuppa?"

I turned to him, but didn't meet his eyes. "No, it's alright. Thanks." 

"You sure? You don't look sure."

Don't look, don't look...dammit, I'm looking.

My eyes met his. "I..."

His orbs looked different. Yesterday, they were dark and lustful. Now, they were just... warm.

"Here. I'll make some, no trouble." 

He got dressed in boxers and some pants, but didn't put a shirt back on and smiled as he passed me and walked out the door. 

I went in search of my clothes, Pulling my knickers and bra on. I groaned at the sight of my shirt. Now, I remember spilling my drink all over when I got a little too tipsy last night. 

I need a new shirt.

I glanced around the room and spotted John's button-up on the floor. Biting my lip, I reached for it and pulled it on. 

I then pulled on my leather jacket and headed out of the room.

Yawning, I was drawn to the pictures hanging on the walls. Some of them were of a young boy and and woman who appeared to be his mother, others were of the man himself with some boys who seemed oddly familiar.

"What cha' looking at?"

I jumped. Again.

"God, would you stop doing that?!"

He raised his hands up "Sorry, jus' tryin' to get your attention, love."

He gave me a once over, and met my eyes with a smirk.

"Got me shirt on, I see."

"Oh, yeah. Mine has brandy stains on it." I bit my lip "Sorry, didn't think to ask you."

"No, it s'alright. Ya wear em' much better than I do." 

I followed him down the hall and into the kitchen where a steaming mug of tea was waiting. Picking it up, I took a sip and smiled at the warmth filling my body. 

"Thank you."

"So... where are you headin' to?"

Ah. Yes.

I then remembered that I had gotten into a large argument with mum. Part of me regretted telling my mum I never wanted to see her again, but the other was still angry and a complete stubborn ass.

"I dunno. Someplace."

"Want me to walk ya?"

I laughed. "Do I look like a lady to you? I wear leather, drink until my head gets dizzy and beat up anyone who comes near me. I'm sure I'll be just fine, love."

"Fair enough. But, I merely suggested it if your cared for some company."

I shook my head. "No thanks, Lennon. This was lovely and all..." I gestured both of us and he grinned wickedly. "But I really need to go, so thanks for the shag and I'll be seein' ya."

I left him still smiling to himself.

"I do like me'self a teddy-girl."


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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2020 ⏰

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