Ch. 7 Darkness

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The smell of pancakes lured Rory to the kitchen. "Good afternoon," Damon said from his place by the stove.

Rory groaned, sitting down at the table. "Why didn't someone wake me up?" she wondered.

"I was going to wake you up once the pancakes were done," he told her.

She frowned as he grinned. "I know you just got your humanity back, but you are still way too happy," she said.

"Oh, cheer up. The town wasn't consumed by hellfire," he reminded.

Rory rolled her eyes. Her phone let out a beep and she picked it up. She had a text from Caroline. "Oh, you've got to be kidding," she muttered.

"What now?" Damon wondered.

"Caroline dug up the time capsule that the two of us, Elena and Bonnie made when we were eleven. It contained a letter I wrote to myself," Rory admitted.

"Oh, I got to hear this," Damon said. He picked up two plates and came to the table. He sat one in front of her before sitting down and sitting the other in front of himself.

Rory let out a sigh. "'Dear future Rory,'" she began. "'I obviously can't tell the future, but this is what I think will happen. I believe that you will have a huge house. You'll marry...'"

She cut off, covering her face as she released a laugh. "Oh, don't tell me that you already had a thing for Lockwolf," he muttered.

Rory sighed. "Hey, I was a kid. So, yeah, younger me actually thought Tyler had a shot. Oh, that kid never imagined falling in love with someone like Klaus. I didn't even want kids at that point. I wanted to be the fun aunt to Caroline's kids," she admitted.

Damon and her chuckled. "I also thought that I'd meet my birth parents and Hayley. I accomplished one of those," she said.

She shook her head. "Eleven year old me didn't get what she wanted. But I'm happy with what I got," she said, picking up her fork. Her and Damon ate breakfast together, catching up on things they had missed.


After receiving a text from Matt, Rory headed out of the house. She was walking to her car when she noticed the man leaning against it. She frowned. "If your another vampire wanting my head, then today is really not the day," she said, her eyes turning gold.

He smiled. "Lorelai Forbes, nice to make your acquaintance," he said.

She frowned, her eyes returning to normal. "Who the hell are you?" she asked.

"I suppose you wouldn't know who I was. I mean, you've heard of me, but this the first time we're meeting face to face," he said.

"Cade," Rory realized. He nodded. "What do you want with me?"

"I was merely interested in meeting you. Since I told both Salvatores that I wanted your soul," he said.

Rory smirked, scoffing. "Of course," she said.

"Klaus Mikaelson's lover. You could have been good, but you chose not to be," he said.

"Yeah, it's called love. Now, if you want to send the Salvatores to kill me, go right ahead. I don't give a damn. But, if you'll excuse me, I have things to do," she said, unlocking her car.


Caroline was announcing that the Grill was having happy hour all day long when Rory walked in. The hybrid smiled. At least one thing was going well today. She made her way up to the bar, where Caroline and Matt were.

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