Protecting the Royal Idiot - Chapter 13

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Kay, well I have fun writing this story. So if we're lucky, I can finish this story in say... maybe a month tops? Unless I feel the need to add some unexpected twists and turns... So then the plot thickens. ;)

So enjoy~! Happy new year (for about the fifth time)! :D


Chapter 13

"Do you know how to tie a tie?" Ryan asked me. I frowned at him.

"Seriously? You're a prince and you don't know how to tie a neck tie?" I said, my eyebrows still knitted together. He smiled at me half-heartedly and shrugged. I looked at the neck tie hanging loosely around his neck. Of course, the stupid thing wasn't tied.

"You're wearing a tux, right?" I asked, yanking the tie from Ryan's neck. He winced and rubbed the back of his neck. "It's like a rope burn, Jenna. Please don't do that again," he told me. I just shook my head.

"So are you wearing a tux or not?" I asked again. Ryan wiggled his eyebrows at me. "If you want me to," he said, smirking at me. I rolled my eyes and gave him a sarcastic look.

"Of course, because I honestly care what you wear to your girlfriend's mansion," I said. Ryan chuckled.

"Then why'd you ask?"

I felt my cheeks start to burn. I looked away. "Because I only know how to tie a bow tie," I muttered. Ryan let out another little laugh.

"I can, too," he said. I cracked an amused smile.

"Congrats, can you tie your shoelaces, too?" I said sarcastically. Ryan rolled his eyes and smiled. "Aren't you the sarcastic little thing," he said, pinching my cheeks. I groaned in annoyance and slapped his hand away.

"Did you really just notice? And don't you dare touch my face again, or I swear to you..." Ryan cut me off by squeezing my cheek again. My eyes widened, and then narrowed at him. He grinned at me. I glared at him.

"Ohh, you are so dead!" I shouted, running after Ryan. He skidded around the corner, sliding on his fancy shoes. I cursed at my combat boots for not being slippery. Although I'm pretty sure they're not supposed to be.

"Catch me if you can!" Ryan laughed over his shoulder, sending me a childish grin. I scowled and chased him down another hallway, hoping I could catch up to him. Ohh, I will. I run faster when I'm mad.

I chased him through the main room where the barstools and the counter are. Then I chased him through the backyard, where he ran all the way to the gate, which was a really far way down. Ryan slammed into the gate, probably intending to open it. He fell backwards and landed on his elbows. I slowed down and burst into laughter.

"Nice job!" I told him, my eyes watering. I fell onto my knees, the grass cushioning my fall. I doubled over, still cracking up like a hyena. The image of Ryan hitting the gate played over and over again in my head. It just made me laugh even harder.

I saw Ryan get up and dust himself off. He walked over to me. He looked down at me and stuffed his hands in his pockets. "Are you done?" he asked. My laughs died away to giggles, which eventually turned into little chuckles. I got up off the ground and gave Ryan a big thumbs-up.

"Once again, nice job," I said, wiping tears away from my eyes.

"Aww, look. You were crying for me."

"Totally," I said, rolling my eyes. Ryan suddenly turned around and headed back toward the gate. I fought the urge to crack up again. I stood there, watching him unlatch the gate and push it open. He looked back at me over his shoulder. "Are you coming?" he asked. I shrugged, then nodded, then jogged over to the gate. I've never been through the gate before; I've only seen the area where Alan and I train.

"Wow," I breathed, taking in the beautiful scenery. There were long, trimmed bushes that went up to about my knees, so I could easily see that they made up a hedge maze. There were a few dainty little flowers peeking out of the leaves. I did a 360 to see all of it. I spotted a fountain in the middle of the maze. Water danced around, eventually landing in the pool below. I was mesmerized by the pattern the water followed, from the top to the bottom.

"Where are you going?" I asked Ryan, who was stepping over the miniature hedges. "This is a maze, Ryan. It's no fun if you can't run through it yourself," I added loudly.

"But it's no fun if you can see the whole maze in front of you. I asked the landscaper to get taller hedges, but my parents made him chop them down again," Ryan said, stepping over another hedge and walking toward the fountain. I decided to go after him, hopping over each little hedge.

"Why are we even here?" I asked, skipping over the last little hedge before the fountain. Ryan was sitting on the edge of the fountain. He ran a hand through his dirty blonde hair and sighed.

"I come here to think," he told me quietly. I pursed my lips and sat down next to him on the rough stone. I turned my head to look at him. His eyebrows were slightly pointed downward, and his jaw was clenched. I hate to admit it, but Ryan is really good-looking. And believe me, this isn't the first time I've thought it. But this is probably the worst time to think about that, considering he's about to be forced into marriage.

"I just... I've never loved Darlene. Maybe the first month, sure, I liked her. But I never loved her, like I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her," Ryan said grimly. I squinted at the sun and exhaled loudly. Ryan glanced at me, raising a curious eyebrow.

"Look," I said slowly, "I... I don't really have any inspiring or very uplifting words of my own. So I'll just use yours." Ryan blinked. I smiled at him and said, "Everything's gonna be okay."


So I'm gonna upload another quick little chappie after this one, before I leave to go to a new year's dinner party-like thing at my grandma's. ^.^

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